Government & Politics

Germany is failing to prosecute IS foreign fighters, Yazidis accuse Members of the Yazidi minority in Germany are taking the federal government to court. They say Berlin isn't doing enough to bring German 'Islamic State' supporters captured in Syria to justice.

(Deutsche Welle) The Yazidi Women’s Council has filed a lawsuit against Germany’s justice and interior ministers, alleging obstruction of justice, according to German media reports. The interest group accuses the government of failing to prosecute German supporters of the “Islamic State” (IS) militia […]


Germany approves stripping dual national terrorist fighters of citizenship Germany's cabinet has approved a change to the law allowing dual nationals to lose their citizenship if they fight for a foreign terrorist militia. The new law will not be applied retroactively.

(Deutsche Welle) Germans with dual nationality who join foreign terrorist militias will lose their citizenship in the future, the cabinet decided on Wednesday. “Someone who goes abroad and actually participates in combat operations for a terrorist militia shows that they have turned […]


Germany to strip ‘Islamic State’ fighters’ citizenship — report Germany's Interior Ministry and Justice Ministry have reportedly agreed on a proposal to expatriate IS fighters. Interior Minister Horst Seehofer had tried to link the legislation with broader citizenship reform.

(Deutsche Welle) Germany’s governing coalition has agreed to strip fighters of the “Islamic State” (IS) militant group of their citizenship, according to German outlets Süddeutsche Zeitung, NDR and WDR. The new law would apply only to jihadis who are of age, have a second […]