Government & Politics

Biden to honour Khizr Khan, who lashed out at Trump’s ‘Muslim ban’ US president to award nation's highest civilian honour to 17 people, including gymnast Simone Biles and football star Megan Rapinoe

(National-UAE) President Joe Biden will present the top civilian honour to Khizr Khan, the Pakistani-American father of a veteran killed in action who criticised Donald Trump over his proposed “Muslim ban.” He is one of 17 people Mr Biden announced would receive […]

Government & Politics

Supreme Court receptive to damages battle over no-fly list Forecasting a win for four men whom the FBI put on the no-fly list after they refused to spy on fellow Muslims, several U.S. Supreme Court justices saw an implication of private damages in the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

(Courthouse News) Several justices with the U.S. Supreme Court hinted Tuesday that a law protecting religious freedoms includes a subtext that would allow individuals to sue government agents for money damages. In the underlying 2013 suit, Muhammad Tanvir accused FBI agents of violating […]

Government & Politics

Meet Nabilah Islam, the Bangladeshi American trying to make Georgia progressive Endorsed by Ilhan Omar and AOC, Islam says she's not just trying to flip her district from red to blue, but from red to progressive

(Middle East Eye) Nabilah Islam says her family’s one of the lucky ones. As a teenager, her mother, a working-class immigrant from Noakhali, Bangladesh, literally broke her back while trying to hold down two jobs — flipping burgers at one and stacking […]

Government & Politics

Israel could bar Omar, Tlaib from visiting, official says Netanyahu discusses thorny issue with AG, top ministers; final decision on the US Congress members lies with interior minister, who has been adamant about banning BDS backers

(Times of Israel) After extensive consultations, the Israeli government may decide not to let US Democratic congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib enter the country, an Israeli diplomatic official said Thursday. The planned visit of the two controversial freshman lawmakers has made […]

Government & Politics

Israel said bracing for likely Omar, Tlaib visit to flashpoint Temple Mount During secret meeting of National Security Council, senior officials agree to allow congresswomen onto holy site, but not accompanied by PA officials

(Times of Israel) Israeli officials are preparing for the likelihood that US congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib may seek to visit the flashpoint Temple Mount in Jerusalem during their upcoming visit to the country, Channel 13 reported Wednesday. The timing of […]

Government & Politics

Democrats brush off Rep. Omar’s push for Israel boycott, target BDS movement instead It's 'dead on arrival,' insists Brad Sherman, a senior Dem on Foreign Affairs Committee

(Washington Times) Jewish Democrats brushed off Rep. Ilhan Omar’s Israel boycott resolution this week and instead kept their focus on their own resolution to denounce the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement. Ms. Omar, a vocal critic of Israel and a BDS […]