Government & Politics

Germany: Faeser seeks Hamas condemnation at Islam conference Germany's interior minister has said she will seek clear positions on Hamas from faith groups at the government's annual Islam conference. Nancy Faeser said they should assume 'their responsibility in society.'

(Deutsche Welle) The ongoing conflict in Gaza in the aftermath of Hamas’ October 7 terror attacks against Israel looked sure to overshadow the German government’s annual Islam conference in Berlin on Tuesday. Interior Minister Nancy Faeser said ahead of the event on […]

Government & Politics

Germany: Würzburg holds vigil for knife attack victims At an emotional memorial service, Würzburg mourned the deaths of three women who were killed in a knife attack. With the motive still unclear, officials urged against responding to the attack with 'hate and revenge.'

(Deutsche Welle) Bavarian State Premier Markus Söder attended a memorial service on Sunday for the victims of the knife attack in the city of Würzburg, around 120 kilometers (74.5 miles) east of Frankfurt. “We cannot answer such a hateful deed with hate and revenge,” […]

Government & Politics

Germany: Horst Seehofer sets terms for repatriating ‘Islamic State’ foreign fighters Some 40 foreign fighters who fought for 'Islamic State' and are in detention in Syria reportedly have German passports. Germany's conservative interior minister has said they can only return under strict conditions.

(Deutsche Welle) Germany will only take back “Islamic State” foreign fighters and their families if they can prove their identities and they do not pose a serious security threat, Interior Minister Horst Seehofer has said. “In the interest of the security of […]