Children & Teens

Government appoints working group to decide future of Danish children in Syrian camps PM firm that six mothers cannot return, but their 19 kids should know their fate by mid-May

(Copenhagen Post) PM Mette Frederiksen and her government remain opposed to six Danish women, who voluntarily travelled to the Islamic State’s terrorist caliphate in the mid-2010s to be with their IS warrior partners, returning home from two camps in the north of […]

Children & Teens

Iranian ambassador summoned for role in Sharia law divorce contracts Foreign minister Jeppe Kofod wants an explanation and calls Iranian interference in Danish law unacceptable

(Copenhagen Post) Today, the government outlined plans to crack down hard on imams who propagate Sharia law divorce documents. Now, in a stunning turn of events, Iran’s ambassador to Denmark, Afsaneh Nadipour, has been summoned to the Danish Foreign Ministry to explain […]