
German court opens trial of suspected ‘Islamic State’ member A 37-year-old German woman is accused of crimes against humanity for her time with the so-called 'Islamic State.' Nadine K. is accused of 'enslaving' a Yazidi woman in Syria and Iraq.

(Deutsche Welle) A court in the western German city of Koblenz on Wednesday began the proceedings against a German national accused of assisting the so-called “Islamic State” (IS) terrorist group in Syria and Iraq. What do we know so far about the […]


Germany: Suspected ‘IS’ wife charged with war crimes The German national is believed to have married several members of the 'Islamic State' terrorist organization. One of her alleged husbands had kept a Yazidi woman as a slave.

(Deutsche Welle) German authorities have pressed war crimes charges against a suspected member of the so-called “Islamic State” (IS), the federal prosecutor general in Karlsruhe announced Wednesday. What do we know so far? The German national, Jalda A., is believed to have married several members of […]