Government & Politics

Mossad gave Berlin intel on Hezbollah ops on German soil ahead of ban — report Unnamed Israeli official tells TV Germans were provided info on warehouses where terror group stashed materials for explosives, as well as money laundering networks

(Times of Israel) Israel’s Mossad spy agency gave information to Germany on Hezbollah’s activities on its soil ahead of the country banning the Lebanese terror group this week, Channel 12 news reported Saturday. Germany branded the entirety of the Iranian-backed group — […]

Government & Politics

German government bans Hezbollah — Interior Ministry Authorities have designated Hezbollah a terrorist organization and banned its activity on German soil. Police conducted raids on four associations linked to the Islamist group.

(Deutsche Welle) German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer on Thursday banned all Hezbollah activities in the country, his ministry spokesman said on Twitter. He also confirmed that “police measures are underway in several federal states concurrently,” and added that even in times of […]

Government & Politics

Israel could bar Omar, Tlaib from visiting, official says Netanyahu discusses thorny issue with AG, top ministers; final decision on the US Congress members lies with interior minister, who has been adamant about banning BDS backers

(Times of Israel) After extensive consultations, the Israeli government may decide not to let US Democratic congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib enter the country, an Israeli diplomatic official said Thursday. The planned visit of the two controversial freshman lawmakers has made […]