Government & Politics

CAIR teaches mosques how to obtain taxpayer-funded grants meant to protect against terrorist attacks The Council on American-Islamic Relations is known for its ties to the terrorist group Hamas

(Free Beacon) The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), known for its ties to the terrorist group Hamas, is teaching mosques and Islamic groups how to rake in taxpayer funds through a grant program aimed at protecting houses of worship against terrorist attacks. […]

Academics & Education

In San Diego, controversy surrounds an antisemitic imam and his wife Imam Taha Hassane has justified Hamas’s Oct. 7 terror attack, while Lallia Allali posted an image of a Star of David decapitating babies.

(JNS) On Dec. 8, the Palestine, Arab and Muslim Caucus of the California Faculty Association hosted an event — listed with the California State University, San Bernardino, logo — titled “Endangered Education: Teaching Palestine in Liberated K-12 Ethnic Studies.” Among the speakers […]