Government & Politics

Number of unofficial mosques in Rome being used as breeding grounds for Islamic extremists doubles in ten years A new report by Italy's interior ministry shines a light on the growing threat of Islamic extremism in the Italian capital

(Remix News) The number of unofficial mosques in the Italian capital of Rome being monitored by Italy’s counter-terror agency has nearly doubled in the last 10 years as prayer sites preaching fundamental Islamic teachings encroach on Italian society. According to a new […]


Communal leader says he was warned by counter-terrorism officers of plot to murder him The man, who spoke to a newspaper anonymously, said he believes Iran, and its ruling Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), want to murder him

(Jewish News) A respected communal leader has revealed he was warned by two counter-terrorism officers of a plot to assassinate him. The man, who spoke to the i newspaper with the agreement of anonymity, said the two officers had read out the […]

News: Europe

Turkey set to deport ‘Islamic State Beatle’ Aine Davis to UK Aine Davis, who was convicted of membership of IS in 2017, is scheduled to be released and flown to the UK within days

(Middle East Eye) An alleged member of an Islamic State (IS) execution cell dubbed “the Beatles” is scheduled to be deported from Turkey to the UK within days, Middle East Eye can exclusively reveal. Aine Davis, who is originally from London, was […]

Government & Politics

Trump administration expands travel ban The White House placed restrictions on immigration from half a dozen additional countries, including Nigeria, Africa’s most populous country.

(Politico) President Donald Trump will expand his contentious travel ban, placing new restrictions on six additional countries, just as he embarks on a tough reelection campaign where he will tout his hard-line stance on immigration. Immigrant visas will be suspended for citizens […]


ISIS smuggler: Sleeper cells and ‘undead’ suicide bombers have infiltrated Europe Jailed jihadis are being released, others are returning to Europe to face prison time, and still others have never been known to police and wait to be mobilized.

(Daily Beast) Europe is bracing for a new wave of jihadist attacks by terrorists affiliated with the so-called Islamic State, what “you might call ISIS 2.0,” as Interpol chief Jürgen Stock recently told reporters. Some previously imprisoned jihadists are being released from […]