Academics & Education

France: Muslim private schools under threat of closure After French authorities ended the last association contract with a Muslim school, the community and its leaders denounce Islamophobic and discriminatory measures

(Middle East Eye) More than 600 primary and secondary students at the Al Kindi private Muslim school group, located in the suburbs of Lyon, in central-eastern France, risk not returning to their school at the start of the next academic year. On […]

Government & Politics

France’s interior minister says he ‘does not rule out’ banning the Muslim Brotherhood Right-winger Bruno Retailleau, appointed in September, also advocates for a new criminal offence to fight 'insidious' political Islam in the country

(Middle East Eye) The new French interior minister, Bruno Retailleau, has declared that he is not ruling out classifying the Muslim Brotherhood as a “terrorist” group and banning it, while advocating for the establishment of a new criminal offence to fight political […]

Academics & Education

German expert warns: Islamist and European antisemitism now dangerously intertwined A virtually lone voice in academia, Dr. Matthias Küntzel strives to research, study, and expose the underlying antisemitic discourse sported by Islamist groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood.

(Jerusalem Post) “As a German, I wanted to learn how Auschwitz could have happened. This brought me to researching the topic of antisemitism about 30 years ago,” Dr. Matthias Küntzel told the Jerusalem Post in an exclusive interview. Küntzel is a German […]

Islamic Law

Experts: Muslim Brotherhood pursues caliphate in Europe using soft power The Islamist organisation has infiltrated EU member states and spread its agenda through various innocent-looking organisations.

(European Conservative) An expert on Islamism has highlighted the dangers to Europe of the Muslim Brotherhood through its emphasis on legal rather than “terrorist” methods. Dr. Lorenzo Vidino told a recent European conference how the Brotherhood is a “social network,” united by […]

Clerics & Preachers

Over 400 UK imams reject new extremism definition targeting Muslim groups Religious scholars accuse government of 'divisive tactics' and attempting to crack down on groups opposed to Israeli actions against Palestinians

(Middle East Eye) Over 400 British imams and religious scholars have signed a letter rejecting a new UK government definition of extremism that targeted several British Muslim organisations. Last week, Communities Secretary Michael Gove announced a contentious new definition of extremism, though the […]

Clerics & Preachers

Antisemitic Egyptian sheikh was to be hosted by Ottawa-funded Muslim group Nashaat Ahmed was pulled from the speaker list of the Muslim Association of Canada's annual convention after inquiries from the Post

(National Post) Another year, another conference, another tableau of speakers associated with antisemitism, homophobia, misogyny and hatred. The convening organization is not the grotesque Goyim Defense League, a Hitler-admiring American neo-fascist groupuscule linked to a spate of graffiti, leaflets and posters the […]

Government & Politics

European governments accused of giving almost €80m to Muslim Brotherhood-linked groups MEPs criticise funding as 'absurd' and 'concerning'

(National-UAE) Muslim Brotherhood-linked groups have received almost €80 million in funding from European governments over the past decade, a report has revealed. The latest Global Influence Operations Report documented €79,551,732 in donations given to groups with reported links to the Muslim Brotherhood […]


Unveiling the truth behind Tariq Ramadan’s rape allegations As new evidence continually piles up in the Tariq Ramadan case, it becomes increasingly difficult to differentiate between fact and fiction on both sides of the allegations against the reformist scholar.

(Morocco World News) The controversy surrounding the case of Tariq Ramadan has reached new heights, as the rape allegations against the reformist scholar have been called into question following an investigation by the Parisian Criminal Brigade (BC). Revealing inconsistencies in his accusers’ […]

Banks & Banking

Why Shariah mortgage is a deception

(Toronto Sun) Last week’s Ontario Superior Court judgment exonerating two men for a dozen criminal charges related to the marketing of Islamic mortgages based on Shariah law went unreported in all Canadian newspapers and network TV other than the online pages of […]


Laurie Cardoza-Moore claims Ilhan Omar may have ties to Muslim Brotherhood 'Omar may be in violation of a federal statute for fundraising for two Muslim Brotherhood charities that seek to destroy America,' she claimed.

(Jerusalem Post) Laurie Cardoza-Moore, president of Proclaiming Justice to the Nations (PJTN), called on the US Justice Department “to launch a full and thorough investigation” into Congresswoman Ilhan Omar’s (D-Minn.) “possible connections to the Muslim Brotherhood.” Cardoza-Moore, an Evangelical leader who hosts […]