
Denmark’s Quran-burning ban draws sharp criticism Denmark now bows to the demands of dictatorial Middle Eastern regimes, Danish People’s Party MP Mikkel Bjørn Sørensen said.

(European Conservative) The decision taken by the left-liberal majority in the Danish parliament, the Folketing, late last week to ban public Quran burning has garnered sharp criticism from both domestic politicians and political leaders in neighboring Scandinavian countries, with many arguing the […]


Majority of Swedes favor ban on Quran burning: survey Increase in public support comes as government looking to discuss regulation that would prevent provocative acts of targeting Muslim holy book

(Anadolu) Swedes who want a ban to be introduced for burning the Quran and other holy books have increased to 53%, two points higher than the previous poll. The latest survey was conducted by the Swedish opinion poll company SIFO. Some 37% […]


Islamists rally outside European Parliament over Swedish Quran burning Shouts of 'Allahu Akbar' were heard right outside the Parliament as an almost exclusively male crowd gathered at Place du Luxembourg.

(European Conservative) Approximately 200 Muslim protestors gathered outside the European Parliament Wednesday, July 19th, as Islamic groups in Brussels rallied against the controversial burning of the Quran in Sweden. Shouts of “Allahu Akbar” were heard right outside the Parliament as an almost […]