Government & Politics

French Reconquête launches European election campaign The national-conservative party calls for 'unveiling' of the extent of Islamisation of France and Europe.

(European Conservative) Éric Zemmour and Marion Maréchal officially launched their campaign for the European elections with a major rally in Paris on Sunday, March 10th, designed to recapture the heyday of its presidential campaign when the Reconquête party managed to gather thousands […]


‘Clash of civilizations’ looms over EU elections Far-right parties are cashing in on decades of campaigning against Islam and migration, as they move to the center ground.

(Politico) Geert Wilders may be just the tip of the iceberg. Following the anti-Islam politician’s shock election win in the Netherlands, European elites are nervously scanning the political landscape for signs of what’s to come — including further surprise wins from far-right […]

Government & Politics

The EU has revealed its blueprint to curb migration It involves lots of cash for Northern African countries. Tunisia is the first to sign up. Egypt and Morocco could follow.

(Politico) Cash is king in the EU’s plan to stop migrants from coming to Europe. On Sunday, the EU finalized a deal with Tunisia — a common departure point for people seeking asylum in Europe — that essentially offers the country millions in exchange […]

Government & Politics

Alarm in Italy over law to shutter Muslim prayer spaces Opposition decries ‘unacceptable discrimination’ as Premier Meloni’s far-right party pushes bill that could close down over 1,000 Muslim worship places

(Anadolu) A controversial law proposed by the ruling far-right coalition has again brought Muslims and their places of worship to the fore of Italy’s political discourse. If passed, the law could shut down hundreds of Islamic prayer spaces, a prospect triggering alarm […]

Government & Politics

EU countries agree to major migration deal Last-minute concessions to Italy unblocked a deal that could overhaul the EU’s asylum system for the first time in years.

(Politico) Italy finally gave its blessing. Rome’s green light on Thursday evening unlocked a major deal to overhaul the EU’s asylum procedures for the first time in years after a grueling gathering of home affairs ministers in Luxembourg. “I wasn’t sure this […]

Government & Politics

EU lawmakers endorse pact to revise migration rules The proposal would speed the return of migrants entering the EU without permission and force countries to accept asylum seekers during emergencies.

(Politico) EU lawmakers on Thursday gave the green light to a central plank of the EU’s flagship migration package, the latest sign of progress on long-stalled reforms. The European Parliament measure endorses new rules seeking to speed up the return of migrants […]