
Iran attack widens rift between activist left and Dem moderates The latest flashpoint in the Israel-Gaza war shows both sides calcifying their stances.

(Politico) Moments after Iran launched an attack on Israel, around 400 pro-Palestinian protesters in Chicago broke out in chants of “Hands off Iran!” The head of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the nation’s largest Muslim civil rights organization, claimed Iran “is responding […]

Government & Politics

In run-up to midterms, Muslim groups, mosques push for voter engagement 'The local work is allowing us to expand voting rights so more people can vote for our candidates,' said Nada Al-Hanooti, executive director of Emgage’s Michigan chapter.

(Religion News) Community organizer Nada Al-Hanooti insists local city council politics hold just as much power as elections on the national and federal levels. As proof, she cites voter outreach efforts in southeast Michigan that in 2021 helped elect the city of […]

Academics & Education

Allegations of bigotry and calls for impeachment rock College Democrats The situation is so bad that the DNC is considering disaffiliation with the national organization.

(Politico) The kids are not alright. The College Democrats of America — the Democratic Party’s national organization presiding over 500 chapters on campuses across the country — is in turmoil. The group’s leaders are publicly firing off accusations of anti-blackness, [Islamophobia] and […]

Government & Politics

O’Toole’s campaign chair Walied Soliman wins $500K defamation award against ‘alt-right’ commentator Daniel Bordman attacked O'Toole for having Soliman on his leadership team, including in one video titled: 'Erin O'Toole's Connections to the Muslim Brotherhood'

(National Post) Walied Soliman, a Muslim lawyer who chaired Erin O’Toole’s leadership campaign and the recent Conservative Party election campaign, has won a $500,000 defamation award against a self-styled “news commentator” who used YouTube and other internet platforms to accuse Soliman of […]


Islamist who defended murderers of Jews to speak at Tree of Life anti-hate summit Bush, ADL, Biden cabinet member join with hater to fight hate.

(FrontPage) In October, former President George W. Bush, Biden’s DHS secretary, Alejandro Mayorkas, ADL boss Jonathan Greenblatt, and other notables will descend on the massive Lawrence Convention Center in downtown Pittsburgh. The occasion isn’t a party convention, but the inaugural Eradicate Hate […]

Discrimination & “Islamophobia”

Muslims in France worried over controversial anti-separatism bill Paris administration trying to criminalize Muslims, says French human rights activist

(Anadolu) The controversial anti-separatism bill in France limits the existence and rights of Muslims, a French Muslim human rights activist said on Sunday. “The anti-separatism bill completely limits the right to organization and the existence of Muslims as people who have Islamic […]

Government & Politics

Muslim candidate for Manhattan DA runs to give victims of system a ‘seat at the table’ ‘Tahanie is New York personified,’ said Aboushi’s friend Linda Sarsour. ‘She is kind, humble, but also unbought and unbossed.’

(Religion News) Tahanie Aboushi describes herself as “35, going on 50.” But friends disagree, calling her “bold” and “hilarious.” To survive the next four months, the civil rights attorney likely will need answer both those descriptions, and then some: Aboushi is one […]


‘Palestinian self-determination not for sale’: Protesters in US rally against normalisation Hundreds gather outside the White House to condemn normalisation deals between Israel, Bahrain, and the United Arab Emirates

(Middle East Eye) As US President Donald Trump brought together leaders from Israel, Bahrain, and the United Arab Emirates to sign deals to establish diplomatic relations, just outside of the White House, hundreds of Palestinians, civil rights and advocacy groups gathered in […]

Government & Politics

‘We don’t need someone distracted with Twitter’: Ilhan Omar fights off tough primary challenge The Minnesota freshman and 'Squad' member faces criticism that she’s too divisive to effectively represent her district.

(Politico) Rep. Ilhan Omar is one of the best-known Democrats from the class of 2018, a lightning-rod member of the Squad whose outspoken liberal politics have made her an enemy of Donald Trump. Back home in Minneapolis, however, her polarizing national profile […]


Police surveillance concerns US Muslims amid BLM protest crackdown With coronavirus hitting the US hard, there are growing fears community groups will have to resort to funding provided by surveillance programmes

(Middle East Eye) The killing of George Floyd by a white police officer in Minneapolis triggered the largest protests over systemic racism and police brutality the United States has seen in more than a generation. Black Lives Matter protests swiftly spread to more […]

Clerics & Preachers

US Islamic scholar calls on followers to rise up against ‘tyrant’ America 'You are seeing what a police state is like. You have to demand your rights from that tyrant,' he said.

(Jerusalem Post) An American Shi’ite Islamic scholar has called on the followers of Imam Khomeini, the leader of Iran’s Islamic Revolution, to follow Khomeini’s example in liberating the globe from America’s tyranny. The riots taking place across America following the death of […]


Muslim woman arrested in Miami protest forced to remove hijab for booking photo A civil rights attorney called it a 'severe violation of religious freedoms,' but a police spokesman said the department was following protocol.

(NBC) A Muslim woman arrested during a Black Lives Matter protest in Miami was forced to remove her hijab for a booking photo, which a Muslim civil rights advocate called a “severe violation of religious freedoms.” It also prompted supporters to start […]

Discrimination & “Islamophobia”

Texas mosque faces backlash for hosting local police chief at anti-racism event Despite public outcry and petition that garnered hundreds of signatures, East Plano Islamic Center Masjid went ahead with controversial webinar

(Middle East Eye) A mosque in northern Texas is facing a backlash from the local Muslim community after it invited a local police chief as a speaker for an event on systemic racism, rejecting repeated requests for black rights scholars and activists […]


Ted Cruz slams Ilhan Omar for ‘opposition’ to antisemitism resolution The Twitter battle between the opposing politicians began when Cruz retweeted a video posted by ABC News of protesters tearing down a statue of Christopher Columbus.

(Jerusalem Post) Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) slammed Minnesota Congresswoman Ilhan Omar in a Twitter battle between the Republican and the Democrat on Thursday, claiming that if she would like to discuss a genocide, she should discuss the Holocaust and her lack of […]

Discrimination & “Islamophobia”

Arabs for Black Lives urges community to do its part against racism New initiative endorsed by Arab artists, academics and organisers calls for eradicating anti-blackness within Arab communities

(Middle East Eye) Arab Americans have launched an anti-racism initiative in solidarity with the African-American community as protests continue over the death of George Floyd, an unarmed black man who died at the hands of Minneapolis police last week. Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib, […]

Discrimination & “Islamophobia”

Arab-black relations: Floyd tragedy highlights ties and tensions Debate emerges about responsibilities of Arab American-owned businesses in mostly black neighbourhoods

(Middle East Eye) “Please, please, I can’t breathe,” George Floyd pleaded, gasping for air as a police officer’s knee pressed into his neck for several minutes until his life was lost. Floyd’s death in Minneapolis on Monday has touched the conscience of […]