Government & Politics

Over 100 ‘Islamic State’ fighters return to Germany Authorities say a third of Islamic State fighters who left Germany for Syria have since returned. Germany is taking a 'holistic approach' in dealing with ex-jihadi fighters, including deradicalization and reintegration.

(Deutsche Welle) Germany’s Interior Ministry said Sunday that over 100 members of the so-called “Islamic State” (IS) terrorist group have returned to the country following the jihadi [network’s] failed incursions in Iraq and Syria. “Security authorities obtained knowledge that they actively engaged […]


EU agency wants ‘IS’ returnees charged with war crimes A new report from an EU-backed genocide investigation body says adding war crimes and genocide to terrorism charges for 'IS' fighters returning to the EU will lead to tougher sentences and 'more justice' for victims.

(Deutsche Welle) Former “Islamic State” (IS) fighters who returned to Europe from conflicts in Iraq and Syria should be charged with war crimes along with terrorism, said a report released Saturday by the EU-backed “Genocide Network.” According to the network, many so-called […]