Academics & Education

Austrian Greens take flak over alleged coalition deal for headscarf ban Thought to be ally to Muslims in Austria, Greens party rejects allegations that erupted after emergence of leaked documents

(Anadolu) Austria’s Greens party continued to take public criticism on Wednesday over an alleged coalition agreement to ban headscarves for teachers in schools. Recently leaked documents suggested that the Greens had engaged in an undisclosed deal with the Austrian People’s Party (OVP) […]

Government & Politics

Austria’s Muslim youth file lawsuit against ‘Islam map’ The map, showing the names and location of over 600 mosques and associations in the country, has sparked outcry.

(Deutsche Welle) Muslim Youth Austria (MJO) is filing a lawsuit against the country’s controversial “Map of Political Islam,” the group announced on Saturday. The map, showing the names and location of over 600 mosques and associations in Austria and their possible links abroad, […]

Discrimination & “Islamophobia”

Austria sparks uproar with ‘Islam map’

(AFP) The Austrian government came under fire Thursday for a new “Islam map” showing the location of mosques and associations around the country, with religious groups saying it would stigmatise Austria’s Muslim population. Earlier, Integration Minister Susanne Raab unveiled an internet website […]