
Court convicts first pro-Assad war crimes defendant in Netherlands While the Dutch have brought several Syrians to trial for crimes committed during their country’s civil war, previous defendants were all members of opposition forces.

(Courthouse News) Dutch judges sentenced a former militia commander to 12 years in prison for complicity in torture and illegal detention on Monday, marking the first conviction of a pro-government Syrian defendant in the Netherlands. The 35-year-old, identified only as Mustafa A., […]


Dutch court hands 6-year prison term to former Syrian Ahrar al-Sham commander 31-year-old ‘Al Y’ was accused of war crimes after posing with the body of an enemy fighter and kicking another corpse in a YouTube video.

(Kurdistan 24) A former commander of the Turkish-backed Ahrar al-Sham Islamist group has been sentenced to six years in prison in the Netherlands for war crimes and membership in a terrorist organization. The Dutch Public Prosecution earlier demanded a 10-year sentence, but […]


Syrian pair appear in German court over filmed ‘execution’ Two suspected war criminals from Syria have appeared in court in the German city of Düsseldorf. They are accused of taking part in and filming the 'execution' of a Syrian regime soldier for propaganda purposes.

(Deutsche Welle) Two men appeared at a higher regional court in Düsseldorf on Thursday charged with committing a war crime and the membership and support of a terror organization. The pair are suspected of having taken part in the execution of a […]