Government & Politics

Dems mobilize to defend Omar in face of GOP defections McCarthy plans to hold a House vote to remove her from the Foreign Affairs panel, but it’s unclear that he’ll have enough support in his conference.

(Politico) House Republicans are already facing defections over a leadership push to oust Rep. Ilhan Omar from her committees. Democrats plan to make the vote even more painful. The Minnesota Democrat and her caucus allies have begun to mount a robust defense […]

Government & Politics

Congressional Leadership Fund attacks vulnerable Dems for not condemning ‘hateful comments’ by Omar, Tlaib Slotkin: Far-left members 'doing what is right for their districts'

(Free Beacon) A pro-Republican super PAC is going after a group of first-term House Democrats for not condemning anti-Semitic rhetoric from far-left members of Congress, particularly after one dismissed the party’s fringier members as “doing what is right for their districts.” The […]

Government & Politics

House Dems will take floor action to confront Omar’s latest Israel comments The freshman Democrat is clashing with senior lawmakers who view her remarks as anti-Semitic.

(Politico) Speaker Nancy Pelosi and top Democrats will take floor action Wednesday in response to controversial remarks by Rep. Ilhan Omar about Israel, the second such rebuke of the freshman Democrat from party leaders in recent weeks. Pelosi and other senior Democrats […]