Clerics & Preachers

Belgian imams can now receive salaries from abroad, says Belgian Constitutional Court Court rules that Flemish region decree prohibiting direct or indirect support or financing to places of worship from abroad violated Constitution

(Anadolu) Belgium’s top court has issued a decision opening the way for Muslim imams in the country’s Flemish region to get salaries from abroad and similar arrangements. In October 2021, a decree was issued in the Flemish region prohibiting direct or indirect […]


Belgium’s Muslim community challenges halal slaughter ban at Strasbourg Court Belgium’s ban on ritual animal cutting curbs religious freedom, support[s] populist attacks against minorities, organizations argue

(Anadolu) The Muslim community in Belgium will appeal at the European Court of Human Rights against the ban on ritual halal animal slaughtering. “The Belgian Muslim Executive and the Coordination Council of Islamic Institutions of Belgium will challenge at the European Court […]