Government & Politics

Jewish groups question CAIR’s inclusion in WH antisemitism fact sheet 'They were listed in a supplemental document as one of the many independent organizations making commitments,' said a source with direct knowledge of the drafting of the strategy

(Jewish Insider) Several Jewish organizations on Tuesday questioned the White House’s decision to reference the Council on American-Islamic Relations in a fact sheet released last week alongside the U.S. national strategy to counter antisemitism. “We don’t agree with every decision the White […]


Bernie Sanders hosts Rashida Tlaib’s ‘Nakba Day’ after Kevin McCarthy canceled it The anti-Israel event, which was canceled by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, was relocated to the Senate side of the Capitol

(Jewish Insider) After being canceled by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), a “Nakba Day” event organized on Wednesday by Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) was moved to the Senate side of the Capitol complex, to the hearing room of the Senate Health, Education, […]

Government & Politics

After Israel allows West Bank visit to grandmother, Tlaib says she’s not going Legislator cites ‘humiliating’ terms for family trip, which she’d requested after being denied formal visit with Omar; she’d been blasted by Palestinians for ‘surrender’ to Israel

(Times of Israel) Democratic Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib changed her mind Friday on visiting the West Bank, hours after Israel said it would allow her to visit relatives in the Palestinian territory on humanitarian grounds. The about-face was the latest in a series […]

Government & Politics

US Jewish leader accuses Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib of anti-Semitism Malcolm Hoenlein also says he opposes US Jews donating to Israeli political campaigns, argues Airbnb’s decision to delist settlements opens a Pandora’s box

(Times of Israel) One of American Jewry’s most senior leaders lashed out at US Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib on Monday, accusing the young lawmaker of making anti-Semitic remarks. “I am very disturbed. I do believe Tlaib has made anti-Semitic comments,” Malcolm Hoenlein, the […]