
Quebec women’s federation gets hate messages after support for hijab hashtag Hashtag came after female politician barred from National Assembly for wearing a hoodie

(CBC) Quebec’s largest women’s organization said it was the target of hateful comments on social media after announcing support for the hashtag MonVoileMonChoix, or My Hijab, My Choice. The Fédération des femmes du Québec (FFQ) said it was inundated with hateful, Islamophobic messages. Some […]


Ontario MPPs pass Coteau’s motion affirming religious freedoms in response to Quebec’s Bill 21 Michael Coteau placed motion before Legislature on Thursday afternoon

(CBC) The Ontario Legislature on Thursday passed a motion from Michael Coteau, Liberal MPP for Don Valley East, affirming the province’s support of religious diversity in response to Quebec’s Bill 21. Coteau placed the motion before the province’s elected representatives on Thursday afternoon, asking […]

Government & Politics

Voting guide for Canadian Muslims rated party leaders on their views on BDS movement, B’nai Brith says 'It is totally unacceptable that government funds have been used to promote an antisemitic movement in Canada,' said Michael Mostyn, CEO of B'nai Brith Canada

(National Post) A voting guide for Canadian Muslims rated federal political leaders on their views on a boycott campaign against Israel and was partly funded by a federal grant, a Jewish advocacy group said Friday. B’nai Brith Canada urged an end to […]

Academics & Education

English Montreal School Board files legal challenge to Bill 21 Board argues law infringes on minority language education rights and equality of men and women

(CBC) The English Montreal School Board (EMSB) has filed its legal challenge of Quebec’s controversial law that bars teachers and principals from wearing religious symbols. The legal challenge, filed Thursday by the law firm Power Law on behalf of the EMSB and parent commissioners […]


Edmonton city councillors denounce Quebec’s Bill 21 Mayor Don Iveson says legislation forbidding religious symbols 'an offence to civil rights'

(CBC) Edmonton city councillors are denouncing legislation in Quebec that restricts civil servants from wearing religious symbols as discriminatory and racist. “Bill 21 is an offence to civil rights,” Mayor Don Iveson said during an executive committee meeting on Thursday. “It is troubling, deeply troubling to […]


Canadian imam: ‘Filthy’ candidates in elections support Zionism, homosexuality Sheikh Younus Kathrada warns Muslims they will be judged if they vote for Jews or Christians next week: ‘They are all evil’

(Times of Israel) A Canadian imam called candidates in the country’s upcoming elections “evil and filthy” supporters of Zionism who approve of homosexuality, warning Muslims they would be judged for their votes. “This voting is a testimony and will be recorded,” Sheikh […]

Government & Politics

‘Get your voices heard’: Campaign seeks to drive Canadian Muslims to vote Get Out the Vote initiative hopes to mobilize Muslim voters in Calgary to hit advance polls.

(CBC) The Canadian-Muslim Vote (TCMV) launched its Muslim Vote Weekend campaign on Friday, and Calgary’s Al Salam Centre took part. Featuring “Get Out the Vote” civic engagements and sermons in more than 100 mosques across Canada, the campaign is a partnership with the Muslim […]


Trois-Rivières Catholic diocese postpones church sale to Islamic cultural centre Parishioners oppose sale of church to neighbouring Muslim community

(CBC) The Roman Catholic bishop of Trois-Rivières has announced that his diocese will postpone selling Saint-Jean-de-Brébeuf Church to its neighbour, the Islamic Cultural Centre of the Mauricie, after an outcry from some parishioners over the pending sale to the Muslim community. More than 100 parishioners […]

Government & Politics

People’s Party won’t take action against N.S. candidate who called Islam ‘pure evil’ Bernier to appear with candidate for Sackville-Preston-Chezzetcook in Halifax event

(CBC) Maxime Bernier’s People’s Party says it won’t take action against one of its candidates in Nova Scotia who called Islam “pure evil” and “not compatible with democracy” in numerous social media posts. Sybil Hogg, the PPC candidate for Sackville-Preston-Chezzetcook, made a […]


Quebec’s religious symbols law has supporters beyond province’s borders: poll One-third of Canadians outside of province would support legislation similar to Bill 21

(CBC) There may be more support for Quebec’s controversial religious symbols law across the country than some Canadians would care to admit. The legislation, which came into effect in June and bans teachers, police officers and other provincial employees from wearing religious […]


‘It’s terrifying’: Naheed Nenshi calls for national groundswell against Quebec secularism bill Mayor urges Canadians to give federal leaders courage to fight against Bill 21

(CBC) Calgary city council voted this week to condemn Quebec’s religious symbols law, Bill 21. Bill 21 bars certain civil servants from wearing religious symbols at work. Critics have accused the law of undermining religious freedom and singling out minorities, although it remains […]


Calgary council unanimously votes to condemn Quebec’s ‘regressive’ Bill 21 'Racism and bigotry has no jurisdiction,' says Coun. George Chahal

(CBC) Calgary city council voted unanimously Monday to formally oppose Quebec’s Bill 21, the province’s secularism law which bars certain civil servants from wearing religious symbols at work. “Racism and bigotry has no jurisdiction,” said Coun. George Chahal while introducing the motion. “It is […]

News: North America

No regret: Captured ISIS fighter wants to come home — but not if he will be judged by Canadian law Some security experts question Canada’s strategy in dealing with returning ISIS members

(CBC) Before he was captured by Syrian Kurdish forces in February, Canadian Mohammed Khalifa went from being a cog in the ranks of ISIS to its English-language voice. Khalifa, 35, who goes by his ISIS nom de guerre Abu Ridwan, says he […]

Academics & Education

Quebec’s religious symbols ban causes ‘irreparable harm,’ teachers tell court Civil rights groups file affidavits ahead of appeal set for November

(CBC) Civil rights groups fighting Quebec’s religious symbols law have filed new evidence which, they say, demonstrates without a doubt it has “caused and continues to cause irreparable harm.” Lawyers submitted affidavits last week from Muslim women who were denied employment opportunities or […]

Academics & Education

‘I feel a kind of rage inside me’: Hijabi teachers in Quebec struggle to find way forward Advocacy group Justice Femme says secularism law is so vague, school boards all apply it differently

(CBC) Fatima Boularhmane isn’t sure where to turn anymore. She and her husband and children emigrated from Morocco about a decade ago, lured by the idea of living in a free and democratic country. Trained as an electrical engineer, Boularhmane tried in vain to get a […]