Government & Politics

Lord Cameron to BBC: Time to call Hamas terrorists 'It's simply not the BBC's job to tell people who to support and who to condemn — who are the good guys and who are the bad guys,' BBC said back in October

(Jewish News) UK Foreign Secretary David Cameron called on BBC to refer to Hamas as terrorists after the state broadcaster is continuing to call them “militants.” In an interview with BBC Lord Cameron was asked about the Hamas propaganda video showing British-Israeli […]

Government & Politics

Board presidential hopefuls respond to claims of Islamisation of UK politics Four Board presidential candidates take part in hustings at JFS school ahead of May 12 vote

(Jewish News) The four Board of Deputies presidential candidates have displayed differing approaches to answering potentially problematic questions at a hustings ahead of Sunday’s election. At a well-attended event at JFS school on Wednesday evening, hosted expertly by former British Ambassador to […]


Ofcom confirms ‘significant failings’ in BBC Chanukah bus attack report Broadcast watchdog says BBC caused 'distress and anxiety to the victims of the attack and the wider Jewish community.'

(Jewish News) An Ofcom investigation into the BBC’s reporting of the Oxford Street Chanukah bus attack on a group of Jewish students has uncovered “significant editorial failings” following the broadcast. The BBC’s reports of the November 2021 incident claimed that an audio […]


CST ‘completely rejects’ BBC’s claim it confirmed anti-Muslim phrase used Community Security Trust reacted furiously to allegation made in findings of a BBC investigation over the Chanukah attack report

(Jewish News) The Community Security Trust has reacted furiously to claims made in the findings of an investigation into the BBC’s Chanukah bus reporting, that they were responsible for confirming the slur “dirty Muslims” could be heard in video footage of the […]