Discrimination & “Islamophobia”

White House announces new religious affairs leaders, first Muslim religious freedom ambassador Biden will nominate Rashad Hussain, who served in other roles under the Obama administration, as his U.S. ambassador-at-large for international religious freedom.

(Religion News) The White House announced Friday (July 30) a slate of nominations and appointments for top religious affairs roles, including the first Muslim American nominated to be the U.S. ambassador-at-large for international religious freedom. President Biden will select Rashad Hussain as […]

Government & Politics

Bernie Sanders’ next-level outreach gives Muslims solid footing in presidential politics Candidates on both sides of the aisle have rarely formalized their attempts to draw in Muslims. Sanders has succeeded and lifted up an often-overlooked voter base.

(HuffPost) Super Tuesday saw former Vice President Joe Biden leap ahead in the battle for the Democratic presidential nomination while Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) got knocked out of the lead. Despite the losses, the Sanders campaign has advanced how presidential candidates have […]

Discrimination & “Islamophobia”

More presidential candidates are visiting mosques than ever before Prior to the 2020 election, presidential candidates rarely — if ever — visited a mosque on the campaign trail. But that’s changing.

(HuffPost) The day before he appeared onstage at Wednesday’s Democratic presidential debate, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee visited the Islamic Center of Detroit to discuss the concerns of Muslim Americans. The roundtable, attended by imams, activists, nonprofit leaders and other community members, lasted […]

Discrimination & “Islamophobia”

Ilhan Omar: I’m going to unmask the system of oppression in US At historic conference, Muslim Caucus condemns Trump's attacks, calls for infrastructure for organising Muslim Americans

(Al-Jazeera) An event in Washington, DC, on Tuesday, billed as the first national gathering of Muslims in politics in United States history, began with a resounding … rebuke of racism and Islamophobia emanating from the White House, and a call for Muslims […]

Discrimination & “Islamophobia”

Muslim Caucus to hold first conference amid Trump’s attacks Ilhan Omar, others set to speak at first annual conference. Most major 2020 candidates are not attending.

(Al-Jazeera) Muslim political leaders and academics are set to gather in Washington, DC, on Tuesday for what is being billed as the first national gathering of Muslims in politics in United States history. The historic moment comes as President Donald Trump and […]

Discrimination & “Islamophobia”

It’s 2019 and Democratic presidential candidates are ignoring Muslim voters Muslim organizers say the candidates’ lack of interest in an upcoming gathering reflects a much larger apathy toward their community.

(HuffPost) The president of the United States stood tall and proud at his North Carolina rally as the crowd chanted loudly for him to deport Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), one of the first two Muslim women in Congress. Just days before, Donald Trump had […]

Government & Politics

Rabbis demand Sarsour apologize for ‘anti-Semitic narrative’ 'There has never been a country called Palestine,' says Rabbi Steven Pruzansky, responding to brouhaha over NY Councilman Yeger tweet.

(Arutz Sheva) The Coalition for Jewish Values, representing over 1000 traditional rabbis in matters of public policy, is demanding a public apology from activist Linda Sarsour for “peddling in anti-Semitic falsehoods” in order to attack an observant Jewish New York City councilman, […]