Government & Politics

German government bans Hezbollah — Interior Ministry Authorities have designated Hezbollah a terrorist organization and banned its activity on German soil. Police conducted raids on four associations linked to the Islamist group.

(Deutsche Welle) German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer on Thursday banned all Hezbollah activities in the country, his ministry spokesman said on Twitter. He also confirmed that “police measures are underway in several federal states concurrently,” and added that even in times of […]

Government & Politics

Turkey deports 229 foreign terrorist fighters Migration chief says 75 EU-origin foreign terrorists sent back since beginning of anti-terror operation last year

(Anadolu) Turkey has deported 229 foreign terrorists, 75 of whom are EU citizens, since its anti-terror operation in Syria, an official from the country’s Interior Ministry said on Tuesday. Abdullah Ayaz, head of Turkey’s migration department, told Anadolu Agency that the struggle […]

News: Europe

Over 60 Germans among Islamists in Idlib An analysis of text and video messages from jihadis in Idlib reveals over 60 Germans among their ranks, German media report. Syrian President Bashar Assad is determined to retake the region.

(Deutsche Welle) More than 60 Germans are fighting in Idlib, the last stronghold of foreign fighters in northwest Syria, according to reports by the German broadcaster SWR on Sunday. SWR reviewed transcripts of instant messages sent by the fighters and determined that the […]


Germany jails jihadi for Syrian massacre An ex-member of al-Qaida affiliate Nusra Front has been sentenced to life in prison for involvement in a 2013 massacre of regime forces. Prosecutors have sought to jail war criminals who arrived in Germany as refugees.

(Deutsche Welle) A German court on Monday sentenced a 31-year-old Syrian man to life in prison for double homicide and accessory to 17 counts of murder committed during his time as an Islamist militant. The former Nusra Front jihadi was found guilty […]

Clerics & Preachers

Hamza Yusuf issues apology for ‘hurting feelings’ with Syria comments It was announced in June that Yusuf would be joining US State Department's Commission on Unalienable Rights, which drew even more flak from US Muslims

(Middle East Eye) Sheikh Hamza Yusuf, one of America’s leading Muslim scholars, apologised for “any pain that I caused” over comments he made about Syrian refugees in a 2016 video that emerged on social media earlier this week. In a 10-minute-long statement released […]

Government & Politics

Germany’s Seehofer warns refugees who take Syria vacations Refugees who return to Syria for holidays might lose their refugee status in Germany, German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer told the Bild newspaper. Some newcomers simultaneously claim to be fleeing persecution there.

(Deutsche Welle) German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer announced a tough response to Syrian refugees who leave Germany for holidays in their home country. “If somebody, a Syrian refugee, regularly takes holidays in Syria, he cannot honestly claim to be persecuted in Syria,” Seehofer told […]

Clerics & Preachers

Al Qaeda’s master terrorists are still on Facebook and YouTube Facebook and YouTube say they have scrubbed tens of thousands of violent extremists' posts. But we found 105 from the most dangerous preachers of jihadist terror.

(Daily Beast) In 2006, Ibrahim Suleiman al-Rubaish was repatriated to Saudi Arabia from Guantanamo Bay after he’d served more than five years as an enemy combatant for training with al Qaeda, and fighting alongside the Taliban in Afghanistan against the United States. […]

Government & Politics

Germany stops processing some Syrian asylum applications: report Germany has postponed decisions on asylum for some Syrians. Refugee organizations fear the Interior Ministry will deny temporary protection to some Syrians based on an assessment portraying parts of the country as safe.

(Deutsche Welle) Germany will put off ruling on asylum applications for some Syrians pending an assessment of the security situation in the war-torn country, according to a report on Saturday. Funke Media Group, citing the Interior Ministry, said for the past several […]

Government & Politics

Conservative MP cancels Baroness Cox event in wake of New Zealand attack Cox's critics accuse her of lending legitimacy to the dictatorship with her visits to Syria

(CBC) A Conservative MP has cancelled an event with a keynote speaker accused of sympathizing with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in the wake of mosque shootings in New Zealand which left at least 49 people dead. As CTV first reported, Conservative MPs Garnett Genuis and Kelly Block […]


ISIS smuggler: Sleeper cells and ‘undead’ suicide bombers have infiltrated Europe Jailed jihadis are being released, others are returning to Europe to face prison time, and still others have never been known to police and wait to be mobilized.

(Daily Beast) Europe is bracing for a new wave of jihadist attacks by terrorists affiliated with the so-called Islamic State, what “you might call ISIS 2.0,” as Interpol chief Jürgen Stock recently told reporters. Some previously imprisoned jihadists are being released from […]

Children & Teens

RCMP charge Kingston, Ont., youth with terror-related offence after security probe 20-year-old man also arrested Thursday was later released without charge

(CBC) The RCMP’s national security team has arrested and charged an Ontario youth with a terrorism-related offence, the police force said Friday following an investigation in Kingston, Ont. Police have laid two charges against the young person, who is accused of knowingly facilitating a […]