Clerics & Preachers

Evil black blood claim denied in NSW trial: ‘How could I force him?’ A spiritual healer accused of detaining a man to draw out 'evil' black blood with suction cups has responded to the allegations in police interviews played in court.

(AAP) A spiritual healer denied telling a Sydney man he was drawing out black blood which was “the evil” when he placed suction cups on him and read out the Koran. Riza Morinaj also told police the man did not tell him […]

Clerics & Preachers

Man charged over exorcism ceremony after his wife’s parents were said to have cursed him with black magic A crying man told Sydney police officers 'they did some voodoo s*** to me' after he was found with numerous red circle marks on his torso, a court has heard.

(AAP) A crying man told a police officer “they did some voodoo to me” after he was found with numerous red circle marks on his torso, a Sydney jury has been told. Constable James Dunn said he was called to a Sydney […]