Children & Teens

Federal Court rejects legal effort to force reparation of women and children in Syrian detention camps The Federal Court has again rejected an effort to force the federal government to bring home Aussie women and children in Syrian refugee camps.

(NCA NewsWire) The Federal Court has upheld a previous judgment rejecting legal arguments that would bring Australian ISIS brides and their children home from a refugee camp in Syria. On Tuesday morning, Justice Christopher Horan announced the court would dismiss an appeal […]

Children & Teens

ASIO boss calls to scrap powers to forcibly question 14-year-old terror suspects The head of ASIO wants a contentious power changed, saying the terrorism threat posed by minors in Australia had changed.

(NCA NewsWire) Australia’s domestic spy agency wants to give up its right to request warrants to question children as young as 14 after it reported only a handful of minors had been charged with terror offences since 9/11. ASIO told a parliamentary […]

Children & Teens

Sydney baker Oven Bakery by Fu Fu cake photo of Hamas terrorist criticised by Jewish groups While most four-year-old boys have birthday cakes with Batman or Real Madrid, one Sydney boy was given cupcakes with a Hamas terrorist photo.

(Daily Telegraph) A Sydney bakery has posted images of a custom-made cake depicting an infamous Hamas terrorist and a four-year-old boy in a similar outfit, sparking outrage. The bakery, Oven Bakery by Fu Fu, posted images of the child and the cakes, […]

Government & Politics

ASIO boss Mike Burgess: Counter-terrorism laws ‘necessary’ to stop Australians from travelling to terrorist hotspots Mike Burgess says there have been 'general conversations' about declaring Gaza and south Lebanon areas of concern, but intelligence agencies have not been asked for formal advice.

(NCA NewsWire) Australia’s top security boss says there has been a decline in the number of people who aspire to travel overseas to support terrorist groups since the height of ISIS in Iraq and Syria, but travel bans are a “necessary tool” […]

Academics & Education

Hindu Council calls for removal of prayer rooms from public schools There are calls to remove prayer rooms from public schools in Western Australia amid fears they could promote 'radical' views.

(NCA NewsWire) The Hindu Council of Australia wants prayer rooms removed from public schools due to fears they could be used to promote “radical ideologies.” A 16-year-old boy was shot dead by police last Saturday night after he stabbed a man in […]

Children & Teens

Adelaide girl, 14, charged with possessing explosive instructions and extremist material Terrorism charges have been laid against a 14-year-old girl, who kept her face hidden behind a black cloth as she faced court on Friday.

(NCA NewsWire) A young girl facing a sweep of serious terror charges has fronted court for her first public hearing, hiding behind [a] long black cloth as she entered and left the court. South Australian terror cops swooped in on the Adelaide […]

Government & Politics

Social media giants compelled by eSafety commissioner to report on efforts to combat terrorist and violent extremist material

(ABC-Australia) Australia’s eSafety commissioner has put the big social media companies on notice, demanding they do better to stop the proliferation of violent extremist material and activity on their platforms. Julie Inman Grant said YouTube-owner Google, Meta (owner of Facebook and Instagram), […]


Neil Prakash: Witness compelled to give evidence against accused ISIS recruiter Prosecutors have forced a witness to give evidence as the case against accused Australian ISIS recruiter Neil Prakash returns to court.

(NCA NewsWire) A witness will be forced to give evidence against an accused Australian ISIS recruiter after she refused to do so following legal advice. The case against Neil Christopher Prakash, 32, returned before the Melbourne Magistrates’ Court on Monday for a […]

Government & Politics

Albanese government urged not to grant visa to Palestinian activist and plane hijacker ahead of socialist conference Anthony Albanese is facing growing calls to ban a Palestinian activist and plane hijacker who glorified the Hamas October 7 attacks from entering Australia ahead of a planned conference in Perth.

(Sky News) The government is being urged to urgently block a pro-Palestinian activist and member of a listed terrorist organisation from entering Australia. Leila Khaled is booked as a keynote speaker at the Socialist Alliance and Green Left’s Ecosocialism conference in Perth […]