Government & Politics

Hamilton MPs not welcome for Ramadan if they don’t meet demands to help Gaza: Muslim groups A dozen Islamic and Muslim organizations in Hamilton and Niagara sign letter along with national groups

(CBC) As the brutal and deadly war in Gaza nears its sixth month, Hamilton-area Muslim groups will break with tradition and not welcome members of Parliament into their mosques for Ramadan unless they call for an immediate ceasefire. More than a dozen local Islamic and […]

Government & Politics

Albanese government urged not to grant visa to Palestinian activist and plane hijacker ahead of socialist conference Anthony Albanese is facing growing calls to ban a Palestinian activist and plane hijacker who glorified the Hamas October 7 attacks from entering Australia ahead of a planned conference in Perth.

(Sky News) The government is being urged to urgently block a pro-Palestinian activist and member of a listed terrorist organisation from entering Australia. Leila Khaled is booked as a keynote speaker at the Socialist Alliance and Green Left’s Ecosocialism conference in Perth […]

Government & Politics

New details on Biden’s private apology to Muslim Americans for rhetoric on Palestinian civilians One meeting attendee 'respectfully challenged' the president over his tone.

(ABC) As President Joe Biden tries to find a balance between supporting Israel and showing concern for the plight of Palestinian civilians, new details are emerging about how emotions spilled over during a private White House meeting last month between him, his […]

Clerics & Preachers

Islamic preacher ‘Brother Ismail’ probed A Sydney preacher who delivered a fiery sermon defending Hamas despite its atrocities is being investigated by NSW Police.

( A Sydney Islamic preacher who delivered a fiery sermon that defended Hamas for murdering 1400 Israeli civilians has caught the attention of police. “Brother Ismail” delivered the controversial sermon, which was uploaded on YouTube, at the Al Madina Dawah Centre in […]


Abdul Nacer Benbrika: Terror leader’s Aussie citizenship win The convicted leader of a Melbourne terror cell has won a High Court challenge against the decision to strip him of his Australian citizenship.

(NCA NewsWire) One of Australia’s most infamous domestic terrorists has won a legal bid to restore his citizenship. Abdul Nacer Benbrika launched a High Court bid to the legality of the former Morrison government’s powers to strip citizenship for convicted terrorists as […]

Clerics & Preachers

‘I’m elated’: Scenes as Aussie Muslims celebrate Hamas in south-west Sydney As images of the devastation continued to emerge from Israel, there was celebration in Sydney’s west — with one Muslim preacher declaring 'it’s a day of pride.'

( A prominent Muslim preacher was filmed declaring “it’s a day of victory” to a roaring crowd in Sydney’s south-west on Sunday night amid violent scenes between Hamas and Israel. Wild scenes broke out in Lakemba and surrounding neighbourhoods as hundreds of […]


Convicted terrorist Abdul Benbrika fights removal of Australian citizenship in High Court A convicted terrorist is fighting the decision to strip him of his Australian citizenship in the High Court.

(NCA NewsWire) One of Australia’s most infamous domestic terrorists has gone to the nation’s highest court in his fight to have his citizenship restored as his potential deportation looms closer. Abdul Nacer Benbrika’s challenge against the legality of the former Morrison government’s […]

Children & Teens

Four women and 13 children return home to Australia from Syria after secret flight A ‘joyous’ father has been reunited with his daughter and grandchildren after four Islamic State families returned to Australia.

(NCA NewsWire) An emotional man has been reunited with his daughter and grandchildren as four families returned home to Australia after being taken from a camp for Islamic State families in Syria. Seventeen people — four women and 13 children — touched […]