Government & Politics

Germany outlaws Islamist organization Ansaar International Interior Minister Horst Seehofer has banned the Düsseldorf-based Islamist association on suspicion of financing terrorist groups abroad such as the Palestinian Hamas and al-Shabab in Somalia.

(Deutsche Welle) Interior Minister Horst Seehofer announced on Wednesday that Germany has banned the Islamist organization Ansaar International and several of its sub-organizations. “The network finances terrorism worldwide with donations,” Seehofer’s spokesman Steve Alter tweeted on Wednesday. Alter quoted Seehofer as saying: “If you want to […]

Law Enforcement

Police raids across Germany target alleged Hamas-linked charities German police have raided charities alleged to provide support to the Palestinian Hamas movement in the Gaza Strip. The enclave on the east Mediterranean Sea suffers from one of the world's worst humanitarian crises.

(Deutsche Welle) Police carried out raids across Germany on Wednesday targeting charities suspected of providing “financial and propaganda” support to the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas, the interior ministry said. Around 90 properties in ten states were searched, with the focus of the raids targeting […]