Government & Politics

Inside Biden’s broken relationship with Muslim and Arab American leaders Even as the president piles new pressure on Israel to end the war in Gaza, those who have called most passionately for him to change course say it is too little, too late.

(NY Times) Seven months into Israel’s war in Gaza, Muslim and Arab American leaders say their channels of communication with President Biden’s White House have largely broken down, leaving the administration without a politically valuable chorus of support for his significant shift […]

Government & Politics

‘You no longer represent us’: New Jersey Muslims mobilize against longtime congressman over Israel stance A constituency that helped him keep his seat a decade ago now wants him out of office.

(Politico) Last time Rep. Bill Pascrell faced a serious primary challenge, he ended up winning by a 20-point margin after the Arab American community rallied in support of the New Jersey Democrat. Now that same constituency is turning against him, posing a […]