Banks & Banking

Like Nigel Farage, British Muslims say they are being ‘de-banked’ Often without providing clear reasons, major high-street banks appear to be disproportionately closing the accounts of British Muslims, members of the minority group and experts say.

(Al-Jazeera) Two months ago, the Cordoba Foundation, a British think tank, was organising a forum in central London about political tensions in Tunisia. But when trying to settle invoices, its efforts to pay for the event failed. “Multiple attempts to pay the […]


Islamophobic hate crime rising as UK government tries to ‘appease far-right’: head of Muslim group Anti-Muslim hate crimes rose 42% in England, Wales for year ending March 2022: British Home Office

(Anadolu) Hate crimes in the UK are on the rise because the government “tends to try to appease the far right by adopting some of their positions,” according to a prominent Muslim scholar. Anas Altikriti, CEO of Cordoba Foundation, told Anadolu Agency […]

Banks & Banking

HSBC to block donations to Palestinian aid charity Interpal British bank will no longer process standing orders, in Ramadan blow for one of UK's leading pro-Palestinian aid organisations

(Middle East Eye) British bank HSBC has told customers in the UK that it will stop processing standing order payments to the Palestinian aid charity Interpal from next month. The bank sent out letters earlier this month to account holders who make […]