Government & Politics

Jeffries endorses Ilhan Omar amid AIPAC primary threat Democratic leadership is sending a message to progressives who are worried about primary challenges from the pro-Israel group: Caucus leaders plan to support all incumbents.

(Politico) When Pramila Jayapal faced fierce blowback in mid-July after dubbing Israel a “racist state,” it immediately unnerved fellow House progressives. Their concern: Would Democratic leaders recommit to the longstanding policy of backing all incumbents, including critics of Israel? The answer was […]

Government & Politics

Heads of Republican-Democrat delegation agree: Omar, Tlaib should visit Israel Even critics ‘leave with much more positive view,’ say leaders of largest-ever group of US lawmakers, with 41 Democrats and 31 Republicans to tour; organizers deny Trump objects

(Times of Israel) The leaders of an unprecedentedly large bipartisan congressional delegation visiting Israel on Sunday welcomed the plan by two controversial Muslim lawmakers to visit the Jewish state, and Jerusalem’s decision to let them enter the country. The two Democratic freshman […]

Government & Politics

Jewish Democrat: Don’t make a big deal if Tlaib leads visit to W. Bank 'Israel is giving her more attention than she deserves,' said Klein, who served two terms as a congressman from Florida, before being defeated by Alan West in 2010.

(Jerusalem Post) Israeli officials should offer to meet US Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib if she brings a small group of congressmen to the West Bank in August, on a trip she is planning to run concurrently with an AIPAC-backed trip for new representatives, […]

Government & Politics

Tlaib says she is humbled her ancestors provided ‘safe haven’ for Jews after Holocaust The Palestinian-American Democrat charges in an interview that Netanyahu could not look her grandmother in the eye and say 'you are as human as I am to you'

(Haaretz) Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib said she “loves the fact” that her “Palestinian ancestors” were part an attempt “to create a safe haven for Jews” after the Holocaust, although the role “was forced on them” and took place “in a way that […]

Government & Politics

Pro-Israel philanthropist remains committed to ‘speaking out’ against anti-Semitism Adam Milstein has withdrawn from a panel at the upcoming AIPAC conference after tweets criticizing Democratic Reps. Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib over their rhetoric and ties to CAIR.

(JNS) Pro-Israel philanthropist Adam Milstein has said that he remains committed to speaking out against the anti-Semitic rhetoric of Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) and Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), as well as the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), following his announcement that he has […]