Government & Politics

MSS vigilant on radicalisation of youths despite low terror threat on Malta Malta registered a low threat of terror in 2022, but Malta Security Services says prevention of online radicalisation needs to be at the forefront of its terrorism preparedness

(Malta Today) Malta’s secret service, the MSS, said that while terrorism prevention is at the top of its agenda, its workload has been characterised by investigations against drug trafficking and illegal migration, as well as cyber-threats to critical infrastructure. Malta registered a […]


Men facing terrorism charges possessed videos showing ‘macabre executions’ Videos and images extracted from the mobile phones of men charged with terrorism were of executions and beheadings

(Malta Today) Mobile phones belonging to men accused of terrorism-related charges contained over 100 videos containing flags of the terrorist group known as the Islamic State or Daesh, some showing macabre executions, a court has been told today. A police sergeant from […]


Jihadist propaganda was shared by men facing terrorism charges Investigators say the seven defendants attended a breakaway mosque in Sta Venera and had shared Islamic extremist materials on Instagram and TikTok

(Malta Today) The compilation of evidence against the seven men arrested in April on terrorism-related charges began before Magistrate Nadine Lia on Monday. Ajil Al Muhsen (21), Adnan Maashi (21), Yazan Abduklaziz (26), Ahmed Kadas (25), Khalil Al Mahmoud (21), Ahmed Ahmed […]

Law Enforcement

Doubts on terror charges against Syrian youths The attorney general’s decision to file terrorism charges against a group of seven young people from Syria described as an over-reaction by sources within the police force

(Malta Today) The attorney general’s decision to file terrorism charges against a group of seven young people from Syria [has] been described as an over-reaction by sources within the police force. They told MaltaToday that the youths arrested last week in an […]