News: North America

Largest US Muslim group: ‘Maximum pressure’ on Israel, renege on Abraham Accords The statement from the United States Council of Muslim Organizations came just hours after widespread Hamas terrorist attacks in Israel.

(JNS) Instead of expressing condolences to innocent Jewish victims, the United States Council of Muslim Organizations, which bills itself as the “largest American Muslim civil society umbrella organization,” issued a statement urging Arab countries that had normalized relations with the Jewish state […]

Clerics & Preachers

‘Imam of Peace’ calls on Arabs, Muslims to embrace Israel Hassen Chalghoumi strives to bring people together to fight antisemitism and Islamism, more specifically political Islam.

(JNS) Born in Tunisia in 1972, Hassen Chalghoumi received his undergraduate degree from a university in Damascus before studying theology in Pakistan. The father of five children, he arrived in 1996 in France, where he became the imam of the Drancy mosque […]

Clerics & Preachers

US Muslim delegation to visit Abraham Accord countries Israel and Bahrain Talib Shareef, a prominent imam from Washington, D.C., will speak about the role of religious leaders in promoting peace.

(JNS) A delegation of American Muslim community leaders plans to visit two of the Abraham Accords countries, Bahrain and Israel. Sharaka — a Middle East-based NGO that promotes people-to-people peace and engagement — and the American Muslim and Multifaith Women’s Empowerment Council […]


Jordan Peterson slammed for suggesting Sunni, Shia Muslims should fix ‘sectarian divide’ by becoming pen pals Jordan Peterson has suggested sectarian differences between Sunni and Shia Muslims could be healed by becoming pen pals.

(New Arab) Dr. Jordan Peterson has been slammed for suggesting Sunni and Shia Muslims mend differences by becoming pen pals. In a video posted to his YouTube channel, the Canadian academic and self-help writer touched on Muslim issues, an area Peterson is not […]

News: North America

Head of Palestinian American lobby group joins conference with terror-group members Osama Abuirshaid has openly expressed anti-Semitic views in the past; has close ties to the Muslim Brotherhood; and has voiced support for Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran.

(JNS) The executive director of the new lobby group Americans for Justice in Palestine Action (AJP Action) was a guest speaker at a recent conference in Jordan that also hosted members of Hamas and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine […]