Law Enforcement

France strips 7 police officers of guns after Paris attack A fatal attack by an employee at headquarters in Paris has prompted increased internal vigilance, but experts warned about religious stereotyping.

(NY Times) Seven French police officers have been ordered to hand over their weapons and at least one employee has been suspended after security forces were encouraged to report signs of radicalization in their ranks following the fatal knife attack this month […]

Law Enforcement

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi death: Monitoring of Islamist extremist suspects in Britain stepped up The move is precautionary amid warnings of potential reprisal attacks after Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi killed himself in a US raid.

(Sky News) Security officials are increasing monitoring of high-priority Islamist extremist suspects in Britain following the death of the leader of Islamic State, according to Sky sources. The move is precautionary amid warnings of the potential for reprisal attacks by supporters of […]


Another jihadist suspect set to lose Swiss passport

(Swiss Info) Moves are underway to strip a Geneva-based woman suspected of supporting militant Islamic organisations of her Swiss nationality. The State Secretariat for Migration (SEM) launched proceedings against a woman with triple Swiss, French and Tunisian nationality, according to a note in the latest edition of the Federal Gazette. […]


Germany prevented 7 attacks since Berlin Christmas market atrocity An attack like the one that left 12 dead in 2016 would not be possible today, says the head of the Federal Criminal Police Office. But the effects of online hate speech have officials worried for democracy in Germany.

(Deutsche Welle) Security authorities have prevented seven terrorist attacks in Germany since the 2016 Christmas market terror attack that killed 12, says Germany’s Federal Criminal Police Office. In an interview with German daily Rheinische Post published Wednesday, the organization’s president Holger Münch said […]