Discrimination & “Islamophobia”

Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib denounce Facebook as complicit in anti-Muslim violence Their condemnation comes after a new report found that Facebook has played a role in anti-Muslim violence in Germany, Sweden, New Zealand and the United States.

(Religion News) Reps. Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib are condemning Facebook after a report, released Wednesday (Oct. 21), documents how the social media company has allowed the spread of anti-Muslim hate and violence in the United States and across the world. The […]

Academics & Education

French MP warns of generalized suspicion of Muslims Lawmaker urges unity in fight against terrorism, says terrorists aim to divide society, provoke anti-Muslim sentiments

(Anadolu) French lawmaker Adrien Quatennens has warned against a climate of generalized suspicion toward the country’s Muslims after the murder of teacher Samuel Paty by an extremist last Friday in the suburbs of Paris. Quatennens, an LFI Party member of the parliament […]

Arts & Entertainment

Jyllands-Posten rejects Charlie Hebdo’s request to reprint controversial Mohammed caricatures

(Copenhagen Post) Aarhus-based media outlet Jyllands-Posten on Wednesday rejected French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo’s request to reprint the controversial Mohammed cartoons. Following the rejection, Charlie Hebdo, whose offices in Paris were attacked in 2015, reprinted the caricatures individually. The move came after the […]

Discrimination & “Islamophobia”

People’s Alliance drops candidate for making Islamophobic comments online Memramcook-Tantramar's Heather Collins will no longer be running for the People's Alliance

(CBC) People’s Alliance Leader Kris Austin has dropped one of the party’s election candidates because she complained online about the number of Muslims immigrating to this country. As of Wednesday, Memramcook-Tantramar’s Heather Collins is no longer a candidate for the party — […]