Government & Politics

Conservatives claim media, Dems ignoring allegations against Ellison After some early stories, Democratic lawmaker has lately received relatively little mainstream national coverage.

(Politico) Christine Blasey Ford’s accusation against Brett Kavanaugh is ricocheting back on a Democrat who has faced his own allegations but, ostensibly, has nothing to do with the Supreme Court fight: Rep. Keith Ellison, the candidate for Minnesota attorney general and deputy […]

Discrimination & “Islamophobia”

Cargill, Teamsters will pay $1.6M to settle civil rights dispute over Muslim workers’ prayer breaks Combined settlement ends 3-year dispute over religious discrimination at Fort Morgan plant

(Denver Post) A Fort Morgan meatpacking plant and the union that represents its employees will pay settlements to Muslim workers whose civil rights were violated when they were denied prayer breaks and then fired after they complained. Cargill Meat Solutions will pay […]

Children & Teens

Twitter allowed a ‘pro-FGM’ account to sponsor a tweet Activists said the tweet, posted by a group called Dawoodi Bohra Women for Religious Freedom, promoted female genital mutilation.

(BuzzFeed) Twitter has come under fire for allowing a tweet that activists have said is pro–female genital mutilation to be promoted on its site, meaning that it showed up on the timelines of users who didn’t follow the poster’s account. The tweet, […]

Children & Teens

Reformer: New Mexico terrorist camp puts American Muslims in a ‘defining moment’ 'How American Muslims learn and respond to the slippery slope of non-violent Islamism and its inherent separatism ... is critical.'

(Federalist) I interviewed Dr. M Zuhdi Jasser in January and July of 2017 on Islamism and what he believes is its antidote, the Muslim reform movement. This is a follow-up interview. Jasser is president and founder of the American Islamic Forum for […]

Children & Teens

Syrian community fears scapegoating after man new to Canada charged with murder of Marrisa Shen 'The saddest thing is mostly [I've] heard from other Syrians who are extremely shocked by what happened'

(CBC) Members of B.C.’s Syrian community say they are concerned the announcement of Ibrahim Ali’s murder charge for the death of Marrisa Shen — and Ali’s status as a former refugee — could lead to unwarranted backlash. Police on Monday announced that […]

Discrimination & “Islamophobia”

UCP nomination candidate apologizes for remarks about Fort McMurray Muslims NDP describe comments made by Cindy Ross in 2015 as 'racist views'

(CBC) A Calgary United Conservative Party nomination candidate has apologized for three-year-old social media comments in which she compared Muslims in Fort McMurray to bank robbers. Cindy Ross, who is seeking the UCP nomination in Calgary-Fish Creek, apologized for now-deleted Facebook posts […]

Clerics & Preachers

Michigan’s Rashida Tlaib joins radical cast at Muslim conference Tlaib was featured guest alongside terrorist defenders and anti-gay extremists

(Free Beacon) Michigan Democrat Rashida Tlaib was featured at the Islamic Society of North America’s annual conference alongside numerous radical figures, including individuals who have defended terrorist groups, openly called for violence against Israel, and pushed for extreme punishments for homosexuals. Tlaib […]