
Notorious Aarhus mosque helps police apprehend erratic armed man In a day full of incident for the police, a station in north Jutland was closed to allow explosives experts to search it, and there was another shooting in Nordvest

(Copenhagen Post) Grimhøj Mosque, a place of worship for Muslims in Aarhus that had hitherto a strained relationship with the authorities, yesterday alerted the police to a man who left its premises armed with a knife. In an ensuing confrontation in the […]

Government & Politics

Germany plans to fast-track deportations of failed asylum-seekers Germany's Interior Ministry has proposed new measures to monitor and deport failed asylum-seekers. Interior Minister Horst Seehofer has said he is also looking at ways to repatriate known criminals to Syria.

(Deutsche Welle) The German Interior Ministry on Sunday confirmed plans to facilitate and accelerate deportations of failed asylum-seekers along with those who should have their asylum requests processed in another EU country under the so-called Dublin rules. One of the measures submitted […]

Government & Politics

Italy evicts migrants from Rome camp

(AFP) Italian police on Tuesday bulldozed a symbolic makeshift camp in Rome which has housed tens of thousands of migrants during their journeys to northern Italy and the rest of Europe. “Stateless, lawless no-man’s lands will no longer be tolerated,” Interior Minister […]

Clerics & Preachers

Ecquevilly: The ‘quiet Salafist’ town resisting French integration While there are signs of hope in this commune west of Paris, a radical preacher’s influence lingers

(National-UAE) Barely 30 kilometres from the renowned Hall of Mirrors at the Palace of Versailles, France’s perpetual search for harmonious relations with its post-colonial Muslim population has its own reflection in the troubled recent history of one small town. On first encounter, […]


When your daughter suddenly becomes radicalized Children's life decisions are often difficult for parents to bear and even more difficult to understand — especially when the children radicalize themselves. DW met an affected German mother.

(Deutsche Welle) It’s something no mother would ever want to experience. The unexpected appearance of state security officers on your doorstep, to inform you that your daughter was planning to leave for Syria to allegedly join the terrorist militia “Islamic State.” But […]