Government & Politics

British politicians must do more to tackle extremism, says top adviser Sara Khan says MPs' responses to extremism are 'weak, insufficient and often ineffective'

(National-UAE) The British government’s extremism adviser has called on leaders of the country’s three main political parties to commit to challenging hateful acts. Sara Khan has written to Conservative leader and Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn and Jo Swinson, […]


Germany: In 20 years, 1 in 3 people will have migrant roots In large cities, up to 70% of inhabitants will have a migrant background in two decades, experts say. Germany will need to attract a 'range of nationalities' to keep the 'economy stable.'

(Deutsche Welle) By 2040, about 35% of Germany’s population will have a migrant background or be a migrant themselves, according to a German migration expert. Herbert Brücker, who heads the migration research department at the Federal Institute for Employment Research (IAB), told […]

Law Enforcement

France strips 7 police officers of guns after Paris attack A fatal attack by an employee at headquarters in Paris has prompted increased internal vigilance, but experts warned about religious stereotyping.

(NY Times) Seven French police officers have been ordered to hand over their weapons and at least one employee has been suspended after security forces were encouraged to report signs of radicalization in their ranks following the fatal knife attack this month […]

Law Enforcement

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi death: Monitoring of Islamist extremist suspects in Britain stepped up The move is precautionary amid warnings of potential reprisal attacks after Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi killed himself in a US raid.

(Sky News) Security officials are increasing monitoring of high-priority Islamist extremist suspects in Britain following the death of the leader of Islamic State, according to Sky sources. The move is precautionary amid warnings of the potential for reprisal attacks by supporters of […]