Discrimination & “Islamophobia”

US Muslims call for action as ‘spying’ incidents shake community Council on American-Islamic Relations says it uncovered a ‘mole’ within its organisation and a ‘spy’ at a US mosque.

(Al-Jazeera) First, the major Muslim-American advocacy group reported that a “mole” had infiltrated the leadership of one of its state branches. Then, only days later, the organisation said a “spy” at a US mosque had passed information on to an “anti-Muslim” group. […]

Government & Politics

Germany: Cologne’s mosques to play call to prayer on Fridays Cologne's mayor said allowing the muezzin call to be heard was a 'sign of respect.' Under a new agreement, the city's mosques will be able to broadcast their call to prayer for two years, subject to renewal.

(Deutsche Welle) The Central Mosque of Cologne will be permitted to broadcast its call to prayer over loudspeakers on Friday afternoons, officials said on Monday. All 35 mosques in the western German city will now be able to play the call for up to five […]

Government & Politics

Germany’s Cologne to allow public Muslim call to prayer in two-year pilot scheme Cologne Mayor Henriette Reker said that the decision came in response to requests, calling it 'a sign of mutual acceptance of religion.'

(New Arab) Municipal authorities in the western German city of Cologne have announced that the Muslim call to prayer will be allowed to be recited on loudspeakers on Fridays, when Muslims hold weekly congregational prayers. The public call to prayer, known in Arabic […]

Children & Teens

Records detail sex abuse allegations against youth director at Tampa mosque A lawsuit says the Islamic Society of Tampa Bay turned a blind eye toward signs that Ehab Ghoneim drugged and molested a number of young boys

(Tampa Bay Times) A 15-year-old boy at the center of a lawsuit against the Islamic Society of Tampa Bay was raised to be a devout Muslim, active in his congregation and devoted to his prayer sessions, his lawyers say. So when his […]


Study finds the American mosque increasingly a melting pot of Islamic traditions The report, conducted every 10 years, found American Sunni mosques are blending various schools of Islamic jurisprudence or madhabs.

(Religion News) The American mosque is becoming more American. At least according to Ihsan Bagby, who has authored a report for the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding based on a … new survey of American mosques. The report, conducted every 10 […]

Clerics & Preachers

Mosque imam sacked in France for reciting verses deemed ‘contrary to values of Republic’ Human rights advocate criticizes French interior minister for targeting imams, for asking governor to dismiss imam

(Anadolu) The imam of a mosque in France’s Loire region was dismissed at the behest of Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin, on the grounds that the verse and hadith the former recited in the Eid al-Adha prayer sermon were deemed “contrary to the […]

Government & Politics

French Senate adopts anti-terrorism bill with controversial provisions Bill blocks access to archives and strengthens internet surveillance to prevent terrorism

(Anadolu) France’s Senate adopted a controversial bill early Wednesday aimed at strengthening anti-terrorism measures and intelligence with provisions to shut down places of worship and blocking access to the state’s secret archives to strengthen internal security. The bill, which was approved by […]

Law Enforcement

Mosque sting operation will get Supreme Court treatment The FBI had to pull the plug on the operation when someone called the police on its informant disguised as a Muslim advocating violence against the United States.

(Courthouse News) Wading into a decade-old class action, the Supreme Court agreed Monday to look at the FBI’s use of an informant to collect information from several Los Angeles and Orange County mosques for more than a year. The FBI petitioned the […]