Discrimination & “Islamophobia”

Board of Deputies senior VP asked to ‘step down’ over far-right social media posts Exclusive: Investigation launched into posts by Gary Mond, deputy for JNF UK, who is accused of showing support for anti-Islam activist Pamela Geller, who is banned from the UK.

(Jewish News) Board of Deputies senior vice-president Gary Mond has been asked to “step down from his duties” while an investigation into allegations of anti-Muslim sentiment takes place. Mond — the deputy for Israel charity JNF UK where he is a trustee […]

Government & Politics

Canadian Jewish groups call for action against hateful rhetoric against Israel, Jews 'The government must act against anti-Semitism and the promotion of terrorist groups,' said Michael Mostyn of B’nai Brith Canada.

(JNS) Jewish groups in Canada are decrying an Arabic-language magazine and human-rights organization for two separate incidents of anti-Israel activity. B’nai Brith Canada has called for the Canadian government to “dissolve” the not-for-profit corporation “Canadian Defenders for Human Rights” after that group’s […]

Government & Politics

Ocasio-Cortez staffer calls Israel a ‘racist European ethnostate’ that was built on ‘stolen land’ Ocasio-Cortez has previously called Israel an 'apartheid state'

(Fox) A staffer for “Squad” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., referred to Israel as a “racist European ethnostate” on social media. Hussain Altamimi joined Ocasio-Cortez’s office in November as a legislative assistant, posting shortly after a picture of him and the congresswoman on […]


Charity chief’s migrant warning sparks communal outrage Exclusive: JNF UK chairman Samuel Hayek’s claim that Muslim immigration threatens the future of Jewish life in Britain branded ‘simplistic and reckless’

(Jewish News) The chairman of one [of] the UK’s top Jewish charities provoked dismay among community leaders this week after claiming immigration into this country would leave Jews with “no future in England.” Asked about comments made to an Israeli newspaper earlier […]


Belgium’s Muslim community challenges halal slaughter ban at Strasbourg Court Belgium’s ban on ritual animal cutting curbs religious freedom, support[s] populist attacks against minorities, organizations argue

(Anadolu) The Muslim community in Belgium will appeal at the European Court of Human Rights against the ban on ritual halal animal slaughtering. “The Belgian Muslim Executive and the Coordination Council of Islamic Institutions of Belgium will challenge at the European Court […]


CAIR supports member that said ‘Zionist synagogues’ behind Islamophobia Zahra Billoo claimed Zionist organizations were behind Islamophobia, police brutality, and border control.

(Jerusalem Post) After the outrage following remarks by CAIR San Francisco executive director Zahra Billoo — who said that Jewish Zionist organizations are “enemies” who are part of a conspiracy behind [Islamophobia] — the Council on American-Islamic Relations came out in support […]

Discrimination & “Islamophobia”

Zionists are behind Islamophobia, US police brutality — CAIR official Billoo claimed Zionist organizations were behind Islamophobia, police brutality and [US border control]

(Jerusalem Post) “Zionist synagogues,” the Anti-Defamation League, Hillel and other Jewish organizations are “enemies” who are part of a conspiracy behind [Islamophobia], American police brutality, and US border control, according to a speech made by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) San […]

Academics & Education

Allegations of bigotry and calls for impeachment rock College Democrats The situation is so bad that the DNC is considering disaffiliation with the national organization.

(Politico) The kids are not alright. The College Democrats of America — the Democratic Party’s national organization presiding over 500 chapters on campuses across the country — is in turmoil. The group’s leaders are publicly firing off accusations of anti-blackness, [Islamophobia] and […]


Islamist who defended murderers of Jews to speak at Tree of Life anti-hate summit Bush, ADL, Biden cabinet member join with hater to fight hate.

(FrontPage) In October, former President George W. Bush, Biden’s DHS secretary, Alejandro Mayorkas, ADL boss Jonathan Greenblatt, and other notables will descend on the massive Lawrence Convention Center in downtown Pittsburgh. The occasion isn’t a party convention, but the inaugural Eradicate Hate […]

Government & Politics

Rashida Tlaib speaks at ‘Gaza is Palestine’ online event The campaign hopes to stop Israel from receiving military assistance from the United States.

(Jerusalem Post) US Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib attended an online event called “Gaza is Palestine” on Thursday. Tlaib appeared alongside speakers and BDS supporters such as Mohammed El-Kurd, who has made controversial statements about Israel. Kurd stated in an interview with MSNBC that […]


Sailors, Marines seek religious accommodation to wear beards One Orthodox Jewish sailor and three Muslim sailors joined in a lawsuit alleging the Navy’s beard policy amounts to a violation of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

(Religion News) Shave or be shaved. Aboard the USS Theodore Roosevelt, sailor Edmund Di Liscia faced a stark choice. According to his lawyers, he was told to either shave his beard voluntarily or be held down by his bunk mate and forcibly […]