Government & Politics

Germany extends border controls with Austria and Denmark Germany's Interior Ministry will extend migration controls at borders with Austria and Denmark for another six months. Denmark, Austria and France have also announced their intention to extend border controls.

(Deutsche Welle) Germany’s Interior Ministry announced on Friday that it will extend migration controls at borders with Austria and Denmark, which were reintroduced in several parts of the normally passport-free Schengen area after the European migrant crisis of 2015. The extension is […]

Children & Teens

Underage refugees in Germany increasingly going missing German authorities do not know the whereabouts of some 900 refugees under the age of 14. The head of a German children's charity said the new figures were alarming.

(Deutsche Welle) The number of refugees under the age of 14 who are missing in Germany has increased in recent months, despite a drop in the total number of refugee arrivals, according to the German Child Welfare Association. The number increased from […]


French and values tests not the way to integrate newcomers, Quebec immigrants say Premier-designate confirms plan to cut immigration 20% next year

(CBC) Newcomers to Quebec and their advocates say the premier-designate is taking the wrong approach to integrating immigrants, after François Legault said he will proceed next year with Coalition Avenir Québec’s plan to cut immigration levels by 20 per cent. At his first news conference as incoming premier, Legault confirmed […]


Welcome to sanctuary Sweden!

(Gatestone) Are you in a European country illegally, flouting your deportation requirement and instead committing arson? No problem. If the country to which you are to be returned might conceivably harm you (details unspecified), you are welcome instead to stay in Sweden, […]

Government & Politics

Mayors willing to accept ‘quota refugees’ once again The government’s strict immigration policies have reduced the flow of refugees and asylum-seekers to a manageable level

(Copenhagen Post) For a number of years, Denmark habitually took in around 500 so-called quota refugees per year. However, in 2016 and 2017 none were accepted, and through a controversial law passed by a parliamentary majority last year this decision was reinforced […]

Government & Politics

Italy’s Muslims uneasy after election of far-right government Interior Minister Matteo Salvini has threatened to shut mosques and said Islam is 'incompatible with the constitution.'

(Al-Jazeera) On Friday after midday, on a tree-lined residential street in southeastern Rome, people speak an assortment of languages and dialects, from north African Arabic to the local Roman slang. The bottom floor of a peeling post-war building hosts a “prayer home.” […]


Poll reveals opposition to citizenship for devout Muslims The constitutionally guaranteed freedom of religion is increasingly coming under threat in Denmark if a new opinion poll is to be believed

(Copenhagen Post) Amongst the causes closest to the heart of the Nye [Borgerlige] right-wing nationalist party is a desire that immigration policy should be toughened up even more than it is today. One of the measures the party advocates is the idea […]