Boris Johnson insists plans to process asylum [seekers] abroad is ‘humane’ (LINK ONLY)
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(AP) Five years after it was signed, the widely-criticized deal between the European Union and Turkey aimed at preventing migrants from entering Greece no longer works, but the Europeans insist it has served them well and will do so again. Not only […]
(Anadolu) Five years since signing a landmark migration agreement with the EU grappling with successive waves of asylum seekers fleeing conflict and persecution, Turkey now seeks to revise the deal, arguing that the bloc has failed to keep its promises. The deal […]
(ANSA) A 28-year-old Tunisian named Nairi Nasir who was living illegally in Italy was charged with apologism and instigation to commit a crime aimed at terrorism and repatriated to Tunisia. The expulsion came following a detailed investigation by Italian police and Carabinieri […]
(AP) Scores of migrants have been rescued from several boats near Spain’s Canary Islands, with 14 — many suffering from hypothermia — requiring hospitalization, authorities said Wednesday. A baby girl was in critical condition, while one person was reported to have died […]
(VOA) U.S. homeland security officials are pushing back against claims that known and suspected terrorists are trying to sneak into the country from Mexico, calling such incidents “very uncommon.” Republican lawmakers have been sounding alarms about what they say is a growing […]
(Axios) The Customs and Border Protection agency confirmed to Congress today that four people arrested at the southern border since Oct. 1 match names on the FBI’s Terrorist Screening Database, a congressional aide briefed on the correspondence told Axios. Why it matters: […]
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(NL Times) The main focus of the election program for Geert Wilders’ PVV is still to close mosques and Islamic schools, ban the Koran, and ban Dutch people with dual nationality from voting or acting as a politician in the Netherlands, NU.nl […]
(Reuters) More than 60 North African migrants are living in tents in the mountains of Spain’s Gran Canaria island with no access to running water after leaving a Red Cross centre which they say crammed dozens of them into squalid conditions. About […]
(AFP) A Greek court has jailed two Afghan youths for five years for starting a fire that burnt down Europe’s largest migrant camp last year on the island of Lesbos, lawyers said on Wednesday. The Lesbos court handed down the sentences late […]
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(AP) The government of ethnically split Cyprus came under fire on Tuesday over a decision to lay razor wire along a section of a U.N.-controlled buffer zone. It says the move is needed to stem migrant inflows from the island’s breakaway north, […]
(AFP) Dutch anti-Islam leader Geert Wilders has said he has no regrets and is ready to “step up” his campaigning against immigration, despite the coronavirus set to dominate next week’s general election. Once dubbed the “Dutch Trump” for his bleached-blonde hair and […]
(Reuters) Most U.S. visa applicants who were denied because of former President Donald Trump’s travel ban on 13 mostly Muslim-majority and African countries can seek new decisions or submit new applications, the State Department said on Monday. President Joe Biden overturned Trump’s […]
(AP) Dozens of migrants scaled a double fence and entered the Spanish enclave of Melilla from Morocco early Monday, authorities said. Officials said that 59 out of around 150 migrants were able to get through. Two of the migrants and three officers […]
(Kathimerini) European Commission Vice-President Margaritis Schinas on Friday briefed the committees on European affairs and public administration in the Greek Parliament on the EU’s continuing talks over the New Pact on Migration and Asylum, responding to criticism and concerns from all sides. […]
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(Kathimerini) The Norwegian Embassy confirmed in a statement on Thursday that 35 asylum seekers left Athens for Oslo on Wednesday in the context of protecting vulnerable groups and supporting Greece. The 35 comprise seven families from Syria who are applying for asylum […]
(AP) An inquiry into claims that the European Union’s border and coast guard agency was involved in illegally pushing back migrants has found no link to Frontex in any of the incidents but has been unable to establish what happened in five […]
(AFP) The French government on Wednesday banned far-right group Generation Identity, which gained notoriety through several attempts to block migrants from entering the country. Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin posted the decree dissolving the group on Twitter, saying it “incites discrimination, hatred and […]
(BBC) Four small boats with 66 people on board have been intercepted by Border Force in the English Channel on Tuesday, the Home Office says. French authorities also stopped 22 migrants in two boats from making the crossing, a government spokesman said. […]
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(BBC) A man is to face trial over an assault on a security guard at a former barracks where asylum seekers are held. Mohammed Ali, 22, pleaded not guilty at Canterbury Crown Court earlier to three charges over a disturbance at Napier […]
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(AP) The advocate general for [the] European Union’s highest court on Thursday urged the court to rule that Hungary violated the bloc’s laws on asylum when it passed legislation narrowing the possibilities for asylum-seekers to receive international protection. The non-binding opinion from […]
(BBC) Four boats with 77 people on board have been intercepted as they crossed the English Channel. The Home Office said the incidents took place on Tuesday, with the French authorities not reporting any interceptions in their waters. According to Home Office […]
(AP) Police in Slovenia have discovered 13 migrants from Iraq, including two children, who were hidden in a cargo truck, suffering from dehydration and a lack of oxygen. Some of the migrants needed medical attention after they were found on Tuesday during […]
(Anadolu) Turkey’s president on Monday criticized the EU’s double standard of supporting Greece on the issue of migrants but not sharing responsibility for 4 million refugees hosted by Turkey. “While the EU gives Greece €3 billion [$3.65 billion] for 100,000 refugees, it […]
(AP) Something seemed wrong to the guard inspecting sealed bags of toxic ash in the port of Melilla, one of Spain’s two small territories in North Africa. So he pulled a knife, cut the bag open and found a motionless leg, confirming […]
(BBC) Four small boats with 49 people on board have been intercepted as they crossed the English Channel, the Home Office has confirmed. French authorities, meanwhile, stopped 126 migrants in eight boats from crossing, a government spokesman said. Immigration minister Chris Philp […]
(AP) Dozens of people rallied Saturday in Paris to support the anti-migrant group Generation Identity, which is fighting for survival following a government order to dissolve it. An Associated Press reporter saw around 200 protesters at the demonstration, which was largely peaceful. […]
(Reuters) A Sudanese asylum seeker who fatally stabbed an employee at a migrant reception centre in the southern French city of Pau on Friday had no terrorist motives, the Pau prosecutor said on Saturday. Prosecutor Cecile Gensac said that the assailant was […]
(Reuters) A Sudanese refugee stabbed and killed an employee at a centre for asylum seekers in the southern French city of Pau on Friday after his request for political asylum was rejected, authorities said. A police source said the Sudanese asylum seeker […]
(AFP) Cyprus hit out at Turkey on Friday for acts it said were behind the creation of a new migration route that had “disproportionally burdened” it with the EU’s highest percentage of asylum-seekers. The Republic of Cyprus, a member of the European […]
(Reuters) The European Union’s migration commissioner [Ylva] Johansson urged Bosnia on Thursday to manage migration properly and share the burden of its migrant crisis equally across the country if it is to stay on course for EU membership. About 9,000 migrants from […]
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(Kathimerini) A total of 116 refugees from Afghanistan, Iran and Iraq, including 30 families with children, departed from the island of Lesvos on a charter flight to Hannover in Germany on Wednesday morning. It was the first direct flight from an Aegean […]
(Vice) Negative views of Muslims and immigrants are widely held across Europe, according to a major survey across eight European countries. The survey of 12,000 people from Sweden, France, Germany, UK, Hungary, Poland, the Netherlands and Italy found a widespread mistrust of […]
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(Jewish News of Northern California) A Commonwealth Club virtual event went forward on Feb. 11 despite heavy criticism from the Council on American-Islamic Relations, which charged the two speakers with holding “anti-Muslim” and “anti-Palestinian” views. CAIR, a national organization with a chapter […]
(AFP) There was an “unprecedented escalation” of human rights violations against migrants in the Aegean Sea last year, a campaign group said Friday, accusing Greece and the EU’s border patrol agency Frontex of being behind a soaring number of illegal returns to […]
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