Government & Politics

‘EU failed to do its share for 4M refugees in Turkey’ Turkish President Erdogan criticizes EU for giving €3B to Greece but not sharing responsibility for 4M refugees in Turkey

(Anadolu) Turkey’s president on Monday criticized the EU’s double standard of supporting Greece on the issue of migrants but not sharing responsibility for 4 million refugees hosted by Turkey. “While the EU gives Greece €3 billion [$3.65 billion] for 100,000 refugees, it […]

Discrimination & “Islamophobia”

At least 1 in 4 Europeans have negative feelings towards Muslims Anti-Muslim sentiment was highest in Hungary, a survey of eight European countries commissioned by anti-extremism groups showed, despite Muslims making up just 0.4 per cent of Hungary’s population.

(Vice) Negative views of Muslims and immigrants are widely held across Europe, according to a major survey across eight European countries. The survey of 12,000 people from Sweden, France, Germany, UK, Hungary, Poland, the Netherlands and Italy found a widespread mistrust of […]