
Welcome to sanctuary Sweden!

(Gatestone) Are you in a European country illegally, flouting your deportation requirement and instead committing arson? No problem. If the country to which you are to be returned might conceivably harm you (details unspecified), you are welcome instead to stay in Sweden, […]


Poll reveals opposition to citizenship for devout Muslims The constitutionally guaranteed freedom of religion is increasingly coming under threat in Denmark if a new opinion poll is to be believed

(Copenhagen Post) Amongst the causes closest to the heart of the Nye [Borgerlige] right-wing nationalist party is a desire that immigration policy should be toughened up even more than it is today. One of the measures the party advocates is the idea […]


Germany: Stifling dissent to mass migration

(Gatestone) In Communist East Germany, truth-telling involved risks. The penalty for it was often loss of one’s professional career and social status, if not more. Today, challenging the state-approved narrative in Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Germany can sometimes have similar consequences. Germany’s intelligence […]

Children & Teens

Reformer: New Mexico terrorist camp puts American Muslims in a ‘defining moment’ 'How American Muslims learn and respond to the slippery slope of non-violent Islamism and its inherent separatism ... is critical.'

(Federalist) I interviewed Dr. M Zuhdi Jasser in January and July of 2017 on Islamism and what he believes is its antidote, the Muslim reform movement. This is a follow-up interview. Jasser is president and founder of the American Islamic Forum for […]

Children & Teens

Syrian community fears scapegoating after man new to Canada charged with murder of Marrisa Shen 'The saddest thing is mostly [I've] heard from other Syrians who are extremely shocked by what happened'

(CBC) Members of B.C.’s Syrian community say they are concerned the announcement of Ibrahim Ali’s murder charge for the death of Marrisa Shen — and Ali’s status as a former refugee — could lead to unwarranted backlash. Police on Monday announced that […]

Academics & Education

Danish left veering right on immigration Mandatory language lessons, tougher sentences for ghetto crimes, buildings demolished. Integration — by force.

(Politico) Denmark’s right-wing government might once have expected pushback from the left-wing opposition when it introduced a controversial new integration policy. No longer. A recent government proposal, to be finalized by parliament in the fall, would target the country’s so-called ghetto neighborhoods […]