
Another jihadist suspect set to lose Swiss passport

(Swiss Info) Moves are underway to strip a Geneva-based woman suspected of supporting militant Islamic organisations of her Swiss nationality. The State Secretariat for Migration (SEM) launched proceedings against a woman with triple Swiss, French and Tunisian nationality, according to a note in the latest edition of the Federal Gazette. […]


Edmonton city councillors denounce Quebec’s Bill 21 Mayor Don Iveson says legislation forbidding religious symbols 'an offence to civil rights'

(CBC) Edmonton city councillors are denouncing legislation in Quebec that restricts civil servants from wearing religious symbols as discriminatory and racist. “Bill 21 is an offence to civil rights,” Mayor Don Iveson said during an executive committee meeting on Thursday. “It is troubling, deeply troubling to […]


Canadian imam: ‘Filthy’ candidates in elections support Zionism, homosexuality Sheikh Younus Kathrada warns Muslims they will be judged if they vote for Jews or Christians next week: ‘They are all evil’

(Times of Israel) A Canadian imam called candidates in the country’s upcoming elections “evil and filthy” supporters of Zionism who approve of homosexuality, warning Muslims they would be judged for their votes. “This voting is a testimony and will be recorded,” Sheikh […]

Children & Teens

Germany: Asylum-seeker who killed Kandel teen found dead in prison cell An Afghan asylum-seeker who was convicted of murdering a 15-year-old German girl in 2017 has been found dead in his prison cell. The murder case sparked months of anti-immigrant rallies and counterprotests.

(Deutsche Welle) Abdul D., an Afghan asylum-seeker convicted of stabbing his 15-year-old ex-girlfriend to death, was found dead at a juvenile prison in the western state of Rhineland-Palatinate, police and prosecutors said on Thursday. Authorities said in a statement that Abdul D.’s body […]

Children & Teens

Germany charges Iraqi man with genocide for killing Yazidi child An Iraqi man faces a charge of genocide in Germany, accused of chaining up a Yazidi girl and letting the 5-year-old die of thirst. He and his wife, a German national, are believed to be part of the 'Islamic State' group.

(Deutsche Welle) Greek authorities extradited an Iraqi man to Germany where he now faces charges of genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and human trafficking, German prosecutors said on Friday. German officials identified the suspected “Islamic State” (IS) militant as Taha A.-J., in […]

Government & Politics

People’s Party won’t take action against N.S. candidate who called Islam ‘pure evil’ Bernier to appear with candidate for Sackville-Preston-Chezzetcook in Halifax event

(CBC) Maxime Bernier’s People’s Party says it won’t take action against one of its candidates in Nova Scotia who called Islam “pure evil” and “not compatible with democracy” in numerous social media posts. Sybil Hogg, the PPC candidate for Sackville-Preston-Chezzetcook, made a […]


German authorities investigating stolen truck ramming A man from Syria has been arrested after a truck plowed into a line of cars in the western city of Limburg. German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer said that as yet, there was no clear motive behind the incident.

(Deutsche Welle) German authorities were investigating Tuesday why a man rammed a stolen truck into a line of cars in Limburg, leaving eight people injured as well as the driver. Officials confirmed that the 32-year-old suspected hijacker had been detained. A judge later issued a […]

Government & Politics

Germany’s Horst Seehofer warns of ‘refugee wave’ bigger than in 2015 German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer has called on the EU to do more to support Turkey and avoid another refugee crisis. If nothing is done, he said, the crisis may become 'even greater than four years ago.'

(Deutsche Welle) German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer has warned of a larger influx of refugees than that seen in Europe in 2015. He made the statement during an official visit to Greece. Traveling with incoming European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, […]


Man crying ‘Allahu Akbar’ tries to run into Berlin synagogue with knife Police subdue, arrest 23-year-old, apparently a Syrian refugee, who also shouted ‘Fuck Israel’ in Friday incident; German media says probe ongoing but suspect released from custody

(Times of Israel) A man armed with a knife attempted to run into a synagogue in central Berlin Friday evening, German media reported Saturday. The man, apparently a Syrian refugee, was tackled by security personnel at the entrance to the Neue Synagogue. […]


More Finnish swimming pools offering women-only hours A number of swimming pools in Finland are introducing shifts or courses geared towards immigrants, especially women.

(Yle) Several public as well as private swimming pools in Finland are taking measures to encourage immigrants, particularly women, to learn how to swim. The Finnish Swimming Teaching and Lifesaving Federation, an organisation dedicated to improving swimming skills and reducing drowning deaths […]