
Hassan Shibly: Prominent Muslim-American figure accused of domestic abuse Amid the controversy, Muslim feminists call for supporting abuse survivors but condemn the Islamophobic recuperation of gender justice.

(Morocco World News) Hassan Shibly, a Syrian-American civil rights attorney and a notable Muslim-American leader, is facing accusations of domestic abuse. On December 28, Shibly’s wife Imane Sadrati posted a plea for help on Youtube. She asked for financial support and solidarity […]

Government & Politics

France cracks down on ‘Islamist separatism,’ shuts down 9 mosques The closing of mosques is part of France’s massive surveillance operation targeting its Muslim minority.

(Morocco World News) French authorities have shut down 9 mosques since the month of December. “Among the 18 places of worship that were particularly monitored at my request, 9 were closed down,” the French minister of interior [Gerald] Darmanin tweeted on January […]