Government & Politics

Berlin police officer accused of leaking information to AfD after Christmas market attack A police officer allegedly leaked information about the Berlin Christmas market attack to friends in the far-right AfD. One of the recipients is a suspect in right-wing attacks in the German capital.

(Deutsche Welle) German prosecutors are investigating a police officer for allegedly distributing internal police information on the 2016 Berlin terror attack to friends in the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, public broadcasters reported Friday. The officer, himself a member of the […]

Law Enforcement

Germany: Alleged attacker of Turkish shops was IS supporter A man suspected of carrying out attacks on Turkish shops in Bavaria was a follower of the Islamic State (IS) armed group, local authorities have said. He had several pipe bombs in his bag when police arrested him.

(Deutsche Welle) A man suspected of carrying out attacks against Turkish-owned businesses in the Bavarian town of Waldkraiburg is a sympathizer of the Islamic State, police authorities said Sunday in an online press conference. The 25-year-old justified his hatred towards Turks and […]

News: Europe

Over 60 Germans among Islamists in Idlib An analysis of text and video messages from jihadis in Idlib reveals over 60 Germans among their ranks, German media report. Syrian President Bashar Assad is determined to retake the region.

(Deutsche Welle) More than 60 Germans are fighting in Idlib, the last stronghold of foreign fighters in northwest Syria, according to reports by the German broadcaster SWR on Sunday. SWR reviewed transcripts of instant messages sent by the fighters and determined that the […]


Germany prevented 7 attacks since Berlin Christmas market atrocity An attack like the one that left 12 dead in 2016 would not be possible today, says the head of the Federal Criminal Police Office. But the effects of online hate speech have officials worried for democracy in Germany.

(Deutsche Welle) Security authorities have prevented seven terrorist attacks in Germany since the 2016 Christmas market terror attack that killed 12, says Germany’s Federal Criminal Police Office. In an interview with German daily Rheinische Post published Wednesday, the organization’s president Holger Münch said […]