Health & Medicine

Germany: Police rule out terrorism in Bavaria train attack The man who stabbed four people on a German train on Saturday is believed to have been suffering from delusions that people were 'following him.' Police have not found any link to terrorist motivation for the attack.

(Deutsche Welle) The man who stabbed four people on a train in the southern state of Bavaria on Saturday did so “indiscriminately,” police said during a press conference Sunday presenting the first results of their investigation into the attack. Prosecutor Gerhard Neuhof said […]

Government & Politics

Vienna honors victims of terror attack 1 year later Austrian leaders have taken part in a memorial service to remember the people killed during a shooting spree in central Vienna in 2020. Criticism remains over the government's actions in the run-up to the violence.

(Deutsche Welle) Vienna marked one year on Tuesday since a deadly terror attack that left four people dead. On November 2, 2020, a sympathizer of the so-called Islamic State (IS) group shot and killed four people in the Austrian capital before he himself was […]

Health & Medicine

Europol: Violent extremists take advantage of COVID-19 pandemic A new report on terrorist activity in the EU has highlighted the threat of online propaganda during the pandemic. The research shows Islamist and far-right extremists have posed the greatest threat.

(Deutsche Welle) The coronavirus pandemic has accelerated the spread of violent ideologies, according to a new report published by the EU’s law enforcement agency Europol on Tuesday. The report highlighted the prominence of online propaganda in building communities and encouraging lone wolf […]

Government & Politics

Germany: Conservatives seek to isolate Islamist groups Germany's governing conservative bloc is planning to cut all government ties with groups suspected of supporting political Islamism, according to a report in Die Welt. Large Muslim umbrella organizations may be affected.

(Deutsche Welle) The parliamentary group of Germany’s ruling conservative bloc has called for an end to cooperation with groups suspected of supporting political Islamism, the newspaper Die Welt reported on Tuesday. The bloc, made up of Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrats (CDU) and […]