
Channel migrant dinghy in which five people died packed with people carrying weapons and fighting — survivor Eighteen-year-old Heivin was among the survivors when five migrants died during an attempt to cross the English Channel in a small boat.

(Sky News) The migrant dinghy in which five people died was chaotic, overloaded and packed with people carrying weapons and fighting, according to one of the passengers who was on board, speaking exclusively to Sky News. Heivin, 18, confirmed the boat was […]


Migrant deaths: Are we seeing new form of crime after rival group pushed their way on to boat? Three men, a woman and a young girl died in the cold, dark waters within sight of the promenade at Wimereux while attempting to make the crossing.

(Sky News) Plenty of people have died on small boats trying to cross the Channel. But this was different. The people who perished in the waters off Wimereux died not just because of the greed of people smugglers, or the inadequacy of […]


Six men jailed for people-smuggling after joint operation by British and French police The French authorities were alerted about an illicit shipment which saw the launch of surveillance leading to 'one of many significant operational results over the last two to three years' and disruption to a number of organised gangs.

(Sky News) Six men have been convicted of people-smuggling and sent to prison following a joint operation between British and French police. The men were given sentences ranging from two to five years after a trial in the French city of Douai. […]