Catalonia concentrates 30% of jihadists in Spain It is estimated that more than 80% of these mosques in Spain are located in Catalonia, Salafists control one in three mosques, becoming a focus of radicalization.

(EDATV) 30% of jihadists in Spain are in Catalonia, raising concerns among authorities. In 2024, 13 of the 49 anti-jihadist operations in the country were carried out in this region.

This represents 25% of the total interventions conducted. The information comes from the International Observatory for Terrorism Studies and the Memorial Center for Victims of Terrorism.

Since 2015, 429 individuals have been arrested for jihadism in Spain. Of these, 124 are from Catalonia, which accounts for 28.9%.

This figure highlights the gap with the second region with the most arrests, Madrid, where 73 individuals (17%) were arrested. The third position is held by Valencia, with 37 detainees (8%).

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