Incoming Austrian government to crack down on those ‘unwilling to integrate’ As coalition talks continue, the fight against political Islam is the one area where the two parties are close to consensus.

(European Conservative) Negotiations between the right-wing Freedom Party (FPÖ) and the centre-right People’s Party (ÖVP) to form the next Austrian government have still not come to a conclusion, following a month of talks. The one issue both parties have come to an agreement on is the fight against “political Islam,” a leaked paper states.

According to media outlet Exxpress, the focus of the two parties is not solely on combating terrorism; it also includes the fight against organisations that behave like a “state within a state,” creating a breeding ground for extremism through their dissemination of propaganda.

The FPÖ has repeatedly called for a ban on political Islam and organisations such as the Muslim Brotherhood, which have exerted considerable political and cultural influence on Austria’s Muslim communities through Salafist preachers in mosques, as well as cultural centres.

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