Dutch government is considering plan to send rejected asylum seekers to Uganda

(NL Times) The Cabinet is looking into the possibility of sending asylum seekers to Uganda if their request for asylum was rejected. Minister of Foreign Trade and Development Reinette Klever said this on Wednesday following a working visit to the country. The PVV politician said it is ultimately up to her fellow party member, Minister of Asylum Marjolein Faber, to develop the idea. Uganda seems to be willing to go along with the plan, NOS reported.

This would only apply to asylum seekers from countries in the region around Uganda, or from Uganda itself, and that country would be paid by the Netherlands for the service, if the plan goes forward. It would have to be negotiated how many countries actually fall under the category of being in the same region. The Cabinet has not yet made a deal with Uganda. It remains to be seen how people in the Netherlands will react to such a plan.

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