German expert warns: Islamist and European antisemitism now dangerously intertwined A virtually lone voice in academia, Dr. Matthias Küntzel strives to research, study, and expose the underlying antisemitic discourse sported by Islamist groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood.

(Jerusalem Post) “As a German, I wanted to learn how Auschwitz could have happened. This brought me to researching the topic of antisemitism about 30 years ago,” Dr. Matthias Küntzel told the Jerusalem Post in an exclusive interview. Küntzel is a German political scientist and veteran scholar with expertise in antisemitism.

But then, over two decades ago, something happened. “9/11 came, and already on 9/12 I started to read books about the history of Islamism and the Muslim Brotherhood, looking to know why this terrorist attack had happened,” Küntzel added.

“Following extensive research and reading, I then came to a realization, which was surprising for me, that a major drive for the attack was antisemitism. For the attackers, New York was a ‘Jewish city,’ and they wanted to cause as much damage to ‘Jewish property’ as possible.”

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